
Mantic Catalyst/Fuel Cells

SUBJECT: Unique opportunity/Fuel Cells

An interesting situation has arisen in connection with the CO to CO2 catalyst I mentioned in an earlier bulletin. (Nov 1, 1995). The company, Mantic Corp, is a startup with a license for NASA technology and also important further developments of its own to make catalysts that convert CO to CO2 at room temperature, and which can be applied to many different substrates (i.e. not a high temp. fabrication process that can only be applied to special ceramics).

They have a number of application areas in mind, not yet including the following:

I noticed a patent awarded to Ballard last month for the use of a catalyst to get rid of CO in a PEM fuel cell, to prevent the poisoning of the electrodes. The patent does not speak to what type of catalyst would be used. Before I made this connection, Mantic had no knowledge of the possible application of such catalysts in Fuel Cells, and wasn’t aware of the degree to which fuel cells have progressed in recent years.

Would you be interested in discussing WITH MANTIC the possibility of working with them to develop an intellectual property position on the use of their catalysts for this type of application? Please handle this information with discretion, and discuss with me before contacting anyone. In particular, please do not mention it to anyone outside your company, especially Ballard or any other FC developers. As noted in the previous note, I’ll be on travel until 3/1. Feel free to leave tel. messages (which I will get) or email (which I won’t get.)

Sincerely yours,


Edward Beardsworth, Consultant
951 Lincoln Ave___________Tel 415-328-5670___Fax 415-328-5675
Palo Alto CA 94301________EMAIL:

UCLA Fuel Cell Course

On July 15-18, 1996, UCLA Extension will present the short course, “Batteries and Fuel Cells: Applications and Performance”, on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles.

The instructors are Gerald Halpert, PhD, Supervisor, Energy Storage Systems Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; James R. Huff, PhD, Chief Scientist, Ballard Power Corp; Samuel Levy, PhD, Battery Consultant; and David Pickett, Jr., PhD, President, AAAA Energy Enterprises.

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of primary and rechargeable battery systems and fuel cells. Basic electrochemical concepts and terminology are presented which describe the chemical/electrical energy conversion processes. The course also discusses methods for calculating and predicting key parameters.

Primary batteries are described, with applications and expected performance of zinc aqueous systems and lithium nonaqueous systems. Rechargeable (secondary) battery topics include nickel, silver oxide, lead-acid, and sodium systems, their applications, charge methodology, and performance. The newest concepts in nickel-metal hybrid, lithium rechargeable cells, state-of-the-art fuel cells, and other concepts are covered as well.

Specific and sample applications, from consumer to military and space, are presented for each of the systems. Finally, the course reviews recent developments in handling, disposal, and environmental regulation, and relevant manufacturing issues associated with the specific technology.

A problem-solving session is included in the course.

Course fee is $1395, which includes extensive course materials. These materials are for participants only, and are not for sale.

For additional information and a complete course description, please contact Marcus Hennessy at: (310) 825-1047 (310) 206-2815 fax

Bulletin #20 – Tampa Meeting UFTO Topics

UFTO Bulletin #20

April 2, 1996

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Tampa Meeting UFTO Topics




– If you haven’t already, please fill out and return the attached form. Especially needed–your inputs for the UFTO MEMBERS MEETINGAGENDA.

2. WELCOME A NEW MEMBER: The Kansas Electric Utility Research Program (KEURP) joined UFTO this week. KEURP is made up of the electric utility companies in the state of Kansas.

3. “Mideast Oil Forever” is the title of an excellent article in the April 96 issue of Atlantic Monthly, but Joseph Romm and Charles Curtis of DOE. It takes on the current Congress’ s actions to cut renewable/sustainable energy research, pointing out that another major oil crisis is highly likely. Be sure your planning group knows about it. And maybe send it to your congressman? (I can provide copies if you have trouble getting the magazine.)

4. Also for planners (and yourselves), the Energy Analysis Program at L. Berkeley Labs has its new ’95 Annual Report available. Most of you should have received a letter from them, updating their mailing list and offering to send it. Call Karen Olson 510-486-5974.

5. Two new “UFTO TOPICS” reports are enclosed–one on “International” and another on “Buildings”. It only takes me a few minutes to do one of these, so don’t hesitate to ask.

Any more takers who want to try out the database? If you don’t want to get Filemaker Pro 3.0 (PC or Mac — it only costs about $150), I can create an “export” file of the data in any of several formats. Caution–spreadsheet formats usually limit the amount of text in a cell, so a lot of information would be lost. I have more details on this if you want it.


Tab-Separated text

Most applications

Comma-Separated Text **
BASIC programs, and Claris Impact
Spreadsheet programs, including Excel
Spreadsheet programs like VisiCalc
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft BASIC programs

(** likely to have a problem with commas in the data)


P.S. Anybody going to the Green Pricing Conf.? The SMES User’s Conf.?


CADDET (Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies) is an International Energy Agency (IEA) program focusing on promising new technologies that have been demonstrated in real-life conditions and where monitored technical and financial results are available. THE U.S. is one of 15 countries participating. Now there are two distinct parts of CADDET, Energy Efficiency and Renewables.

The Energy Efficiency part of the U.S. program is operated by Oak Ridge.
Contact: Marilyn Brown 423-576-8152
or Julia Kelley 423-574-6966
US web site:
Main site:

The Renewables part is operated in the U.S. by NREL.
Contact: David Warner 303-275-4373
US web site:
Main site:

They can provide brochures and free newsletter subscriptions.

There are two computerized databases called the CADDET Register, providing information on over 2,000 demonstrated energy technology projects. Newsletters are published quarterly, covering a specific technology and featuring international articles, news items and meetings notices. (Upcoming issues will cover advanced lighting and industrial controls. Recent topics included motors, heat pumps, and district heating/cooling.) There are more than 200 brochures on selected technologies, many of which describe U.S. technologies. A number of Analysis Reports provide in-depth assessments.

Alarm Filtering — “Frontline Solutions” is small startup company recently spun off from INEL to commercialize alarm processing methods developed at INEL called The Alarm Management Environment (TAME). It uses artificial intelligence techniques to filter (prioritize and reduce) alarms in process facilities such as power plants, electrical distribution and chemical processing facilities. The company offers the knowledge engineering necessary to extract plant specific expertise from operators and encode it into the software. The group published a paper describing the system at the American Power Conference (April 1995), and a DOS demo disk is available on request. Contact Michael Bray, Frontline Solutions, 208-529-2266,

New Factory America is a concept under development at the Kansas City Plant (a DOE manufacturing facility managed by Allied Signal) to create an integrated “toolbox” of software technologies that will give small to midsized manufacturers the same capabilities as the very large ones. The low cost software already exists in a pre-alpha test version, and can be demoed on a laptop. The software can receive complicated 3-D solid model data sets from the internet to respond to rquests for quotes. After the contract is awarded, the supplier can use the same software to communicate product definition directly to automated machinery (e.g. machine tool controller, plastic injection molding machine, or automated pick and place machines).

A plan for a “Virtual Enterprise Integration” includes the “Desktop Manufacturing System” with an “Information Based Manufacturing Instrastructure”. (This could be a good initiative for a local economic development program.) Contact Scott Wright, 816-997-2549.

Energy Efficient Lighting (DOE/GO-10095-056) is a brief 8 page technology overview published by the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Clearinghouse. Call 800-363-3732 for a free copy (ask for “FS-141”) and a list of their other publications.


• METC’s Web page is a very thorough source of information on fuel cells (not PEM) and other Fossil power programs.(

Mark Williams, Product Manager, Fuel Cells, DOE/METC, tel 304-285-4747; ( manages the DOE /Fossil fuel cell effort.

One useful item–a listing of upcoming conferences. For example:
– SOFC Course (ceramic ion membranes) London UK, July 1-3, ’96
– Fuel Cells in Transportation, Chicago, September 17-19, ’96. (call Intertech, 207-781-9800)
– 2nd European SOFC Forum, Oslo Norway, May 6-10, ’96
– GRI/EPRI Workshop, Tempe AZ, April 2-3, ’96. (Contractor’s conf. — invitation only)

• Also from METC — the Fuel Cells Forum is a free unmoderated email list for exchange of ideas and information about fuel cell technology. To subscribe:
– send an internet email message to:
– leave the SUBJECT line blank
– In the body of the message enter: subscribe fuelcells fname lastname

Results in a few email notes per week.

• Fuel Cell Advanced Turbine System (FCATS) is a new idea for generation in the >100 MW range, combining a fuel cell with an advanced turbine. The fuel cell is used as a topping cycle, in effect acting as a combustor whose 2000 °C exit temperature feeds into the turbine. METC held a workshop on this recently, and the proceedings will be available shortly. For more information, contact Mark Williams, Product Manager, Fuel Cells, DOE/METC, tel 304-285-4747;

• DOE Advanced Fuel-Cell Commercialization Working Group

Final Report DOE/ER-0643, and 0644, March ’95 (2 volumes-one is an executive summary).

The Office of Planning & Analysis/Energy Research, (ER — the part of DOE that does basic research), undertook a comprehensive review of the entire state of the art of fuel cell technology to identify gaps in the R&D programs. They assembled an expert panel from industry and the labs, and Dr. Sol Penner of UC San Diego prepared the final report.

For a copy, contact Don Freeman, DOE, Energy Research, 301-903-3156,

• Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Letter, published monthly by Peter Hoffman, of Rhinecliff NY, is in its 11th year. Subscription price is $195/year. Their web page shows the table of contents and one article from each issue ( 914-876-5988;

• The New Technology Demonstration Program in DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) issued one of its Federal Technology Alerts on “Natural Gas Fuel Cells”, encouraging federal building managers to consider fuel cells as “an environmentally benign energy conservation technology ….sustainable …can help the bottom line” especially where the thermal energy can be utilized, where there are strict air-quality rules, and where reliability is important.

The Alerts are short, comprehensive, written for a non technical audience, explaining about new technologies that are ready for implementation and where they can be applied. Other titles in the series include: Liquid Refrigerant Pumping, Ground Source Heat Pumps for Commercial Applications; Residential Heat Pump Water Heating; Ozone Treatment of Cooling Water; Refrigerant Subcooling, and Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additives. More are in preparation. To receive copies, and to be put on the mailing list,

contact Karen Walker, PNNL (Wash. DC), 202-646-7794.


FUEL CELLS — Money Available

• METC — CLIMATE CHANGE FUEL CELL PROGRAM is soliciting applications for financial assistance grants from DOD for installing fuel cells. Offerers must be commited to purchase, install, operate and maintain fuel cell plant(s) with a combined capacity rated between 100 and 3,000 kW.

For awards through September 30, 1996, approximately $15,000,000 is available. Grant values will be $1,000/kW, provided that the grant shall not exceed a third of the total project costs (unit cost, delivery, installation, and one year of precommercial operation).

The Application/Information Package includes application forms to be submitted, the 1994 Conference Report language, and other information needed for preparation of applications. The Application/Information Package will be available on the Internet after March 27, 1996. If Internet access is not available, a 3.5” diskette in WordPerfect, version 5.2. may be requested from the contract specialist Diane Manilla by fax (304-285-4683) or telephone at (304-285-4086). The Package may also be obtained from DOE

Applications may be submitted at any time in the next year. Selections for the first round will be made by July 30, 1996, and awards made by September 30, 1996. The second round of selections and awards will be made after September 30, 1996, contingent upon availability of appropriated funds.

3/22/96 (approx) (Federal Register)


Contact: Gary Byram, Contract Specialist, 703-704-2960
Ana Kimberly, Contracting Officer, 703-704-2964.

R&D of technology to demonstrate small Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Power Sources. The Army currently has no standard refuelable power sources in this range and utilizes batteries. Power sources that are refuelable, with higher energy densities than rechargeable batteries will enhance military capabilities. The power sources sought are complete systems: including the fuel cell, fuel supply, controls, safety features, packaging, voltage regulator, automatic start/stop, refueling procdures, commercial operating manuals and other features so that the power sources may be used in technical demonstrations. Two categories of power source are desired. A low power demonstrator is desired that will produce 6 Volts, 50 watts, and 200 watt-hours. Target weight is 1 kg. A higher power demonstrator that will produce 28 Volts, 150 watts and 600 watt-hours is also sought. Target weight is 2.5 kg. The operational range of these demonstrators will be from 32-120 degrees farenheight and from 5-100 per cent realtive humidity. The systems produced under this solicitation will be utilized to demonstrate small PEM Fuel Systems in 4Q98. Contracts are expected to be 18 months in duration and produce a total of four units at each/either size. Proposals may address one or both sizes. It is anticipated that no more than two awards will be made under this solicitation. More awards may be made depending on the responses. Proposals must be submitted to US CECOM Aquisition Center, Ground Support Branch, AMSEL- AC-CC, 10109 Gridley Road, Suite 200, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5845 and must be received no later than 10 May 1996. Questions concerning this solicitation may be faxed to Richard Jacobs at 703-704-3794. Telephone calls will not be honored.


SERDP — Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program; Dept. of Defense

SERDP was established in 1990 to address defense-related environmental needs and to effect transfer of defense-related technologies to/from the private sector. It is a DOD research program planned and executed in full partnership with DOE and EPA, to work on the department’s highest priority mission-impacting environmental requirements. In 1993, these evolved to six key environmental “thrust areas:” Cleanup, Compliance, Conservation, Pollution Prevention, Renewables, and Global Environmental Change. With the recent budget cuts, however, from $160M/year to $60M/year, the last two are being wrapped up in 1996.

The program is managed by an Executive Director, who works in the Office of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering, DOD. There is a high level multi-agency Executive Working Group (DOD, DOE, EPA, others). Planning groups in each thrust area start with DOD’s high priority technology needs, and elicit proposals from any and all Federal agencies. Proposals must come from a Federal agency (or lab), but can and usually do involve partners from industry, small business or academia.

SERDP actively disseminates Program information through a newsletter (SERDP Information Bulletin), symposia and its own Internet site (, reporting on work done in federal Labs and in private companies. Actual tech transfer and intellectual property (e.g. licensing, cradas, etc.) are handled by the agency or lab where the project initiated. SERDP’s role is research, i.e., to reaching proof of scientific principle, and focusing on high priority, generic environmental problems experienced by more than one branch of the military.

SERDP results thus provide a selective compilation of the work of many agencies of government. They have begun to feature “Success Stories”, and have a list of all publications that have resulted since the inception of the program. There is also a Proceedings of their first annual Symposium, held in April ’95, and featuring a large number of presentations about specific environmental technologies.

Some examples: Non chemical paint stripping with high pressure water;

Encapsulation of hazardous metals in hydrophobic clay;

Advanced acoustic heat pump;

Next generation fire surpression;

Nontoxic anti fouling coatings.


Call for more information:

John Harrison, Executive Director
SERDP Program Office
901 N. Stuart St #303
Arlington, VA 22203
703-696-2114 fax


International Climate Change Exhibition

From: FUELCELL–SMTP Date and time 03/27/96 10:15:00
Subject: International Climate Change Exhibit I am writing to draw your attention to the International Climate Change Technology Exhibit being held as part of the second Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP2), Geneva, Switzerland, July 8-18, 1996.
Participation in the exhibit will provide you with a unique opportunity to meet key decision-makers from around the world who set priorities and implement national and global climate change projects.
Some 1500 delegates will attend COP2, including members of national delegations, international financial institutions and United Nations and inter-governmental organizations.
The exhibit is being organized by the Government of Canada, in cooperation with the Climate Change Secretariat. Its purpose is to encourage an exchange of ideas between delegates and exhibitors on the role of proven technologies, services and project concepts that help control greenhouse gas emissions.
Exhibits will include technologies that reduce all forms of greenhouse has emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) across all relevant industrial sectors. Most are expected to target energy efficiency and energy substitution or the reduction, capture and reuse/conversion of greenhouse gasses.
The exhibit will consist of between 15-20 booths through which three groups of exhibitors will be rotated during the period of the COP. Thus a maximum of 60 organizations from around the world will be able to participate.
For further information, please consult the International Climate Change Exhibit World Wide Web site ( or contact:
Roy Woodbridge
International Climate Change Exhibit Office Suite A
78 George Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 5W1
Tel: 613-789-1660 Fax: 613-789-0539 email:

Travel Notes: Washington DC, Feb 26-29, 1996

1. Technology Partnering Conference

This 1 1/2 day event sponsored by McGraw-Hill’s Federal Technology Report., featured top management speakers from DOD, NASA, NIST, DOE and Congress, discussing the historical background and major new developments in the federal government’s role and approach to working with industry.

The bipartisan trend that had been developing for many years to increase links between federal labs and agencies and private industry was suddenly reversed by the new Republican Congress, as a part of its drive to reduce spending. Robert Walker, head of the House Science & Technology Committee (who is retiring the end of this year) attacks what he calls “corporate welfare”, but what others view as vital programs to put federal technology into the hands of industry so it can be successfully commercialized.

Congress has proposed to zero out the large and well-regarded multi-agency programs such as the Advanced Technology Program (ATP) run by NIST and the Technology Reinvestment Program (TRP) run by ARPA/DOD. The Clinton administration, however, is standing firm in its support, particularly for ATP. TRP will morph into the “Dual Use Applications Program”, explicitly focused on the needs of DOD, and under the Office of Defense Research and Engineering instead of ARPA.

The terminology is shifting from “technology transfer” to “Technology Partnering” and government agencies like DOE, NASA and DOD are to focus entirely on their own specific objectives. The rationale for partnering is that these agencies need industry to commercialize the technology they’ve developed, so they can then purchase and use it more cost effectively in the accomplishment of their own respective missions.

For example: DOD is the world’s largest customer for “low-rate production”, which says they have a strong interest in having industries that are highly capable at “agile manufacturing”, which coincidentally is the trend in the competitive world economy. Thus benefits flow both ways.

One of the risks of the budget cuts is that the Labs may become viewed as “unreliable” business partners if they have to curtail or reduce their funding of CRADAs, a reputation they’ve been struggling with some success to overcome.

One particularly interesting presentation was by John McTague, VP of Technical Affairs at Ford Motor Co. and advisor to DOE. He pointed out the well known behavior of large organizations to become bureaucratic and process/rulemaking oriented — when they lose track of what they’re supposed to be producing, or don’t have competitors. (Sound familiar?) DOE is attempting to reverse this trend, especially at the Labs, but old habits are hard to change, as are all the rules and procedures that have accumulated (many thanks to Congress).

As is often the case, networking during the breaks was particularly fruitful. Among other contacts, I’ll have more to report soon on a nifty new program between Dayton Power & Light and the Air Force’s Wright Lab to help DP&L’s major customers.

Also, thanks to a coincidental encounter, I arranged to meet later in the week with the DC office of the National Tech Transfer Center (NTTC), which has responsibility for tech transfer for the Ballistic Missle Defense Organization (BMDO), a separate DOD branch which has the huge technology repository of the entire SDI (Starwars) effort. They have taken a particular interest in reaching out to electric utilities, and UFTO may be in the right place at just the right time. More on this at a later date–please don’t tell anyone about it just yet.

I’ll be getting a copy of the conference proceedings, with all the papers and presentations. I’ll make additional information available to UFTO members on request.

2. DOE — Fossil Energy (FE) Patricia Godley, Assistant Secretary

The reorganization to a “lines-of-business” structure that has been in the works for over 2 years is to go into effect in April, if Congress approves. Cross-cutting teams will address advanced research, communications, and environment, health and safety.

I met with Victor Der (301-903-2700), who is proposed to head the “Power” business,and who is in very much a learning mode about the implications of utility industry restructuring for new fossil capacity additions and for potential changes in the Federal role in fossil energy more generally.

At the DOE level, as part of the ongoing effort to reinvent the agency, four strategic alignment areas have been defined: National Security (nuclear materials), Environment, Energy, and Administration. “Energy” is to be overseen by the “Energy Resources Board” headed by Kyle Simpson who reports to Charles Curtis, and including Fossil, Energy Efficiency, the Energy Information Administration, and with Energy Research represented on the Board.

The FE domestically is focused heavily on the commercialization of the Clean Coal technology, and internationally on helping to increase volumes and lower costs for “appropriate” technology to help US firms export. Fossil O&M is not addressed in the program , except as it underlies many of the development goals for new technology.

Fuel Cells continues to be a major program area.

Contacts are Charlie Pax (301-903-2832) or Ed Beyma (301-903-2828.)

FE is responsible for the high temperature technologies (PEM work is handled in the Office of Transportation Technologies), and the work is administered from Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC). Mark Williams is the Product Manager for Fuel Cells (304-285-4747). (Incidentally, there are plans to merge the 3 FE Tech Centers into a single “Federal Energy Institute”. Details yet forthcoming.)

– Phosphoric Acid (PA): DOD is providing partial cost rebates for the installation of ONSI 200kw units. Lots of people are in line for it. Other PA players include H Power and Fuel Cell Corp. of America, which bought the Westinghouse design. This technology is getting users familar with fuel cells, with operational availability over 95%.

– PEM: Conventional wisdom is that the low temperature and relatively lower efficiency (using natural gas) makes this uncompetitive for stationary power generation (and cogenerations) applications, however it’s high current densities and the possibility of earlier mass production may throw that view into contention for smaller units.

– Molten Carbonate — DOE is supporting work by ERC and MC Power.

– Solid Oxide–DOE is supporting only the Westinghouse tubular design, and Southern California Edison is testing a 25 kw “logistic” unit for the DOD at its Fuel Cell Test Center (“logistic” means with diesel and jetfuel.) Westinghouse will do a 100kw unit with utilities in the Netherlands soon. DOE has no planar SO program (Congress “picked a winner”?), though several smaller firms are doing work on this.

– In conjunction with the IEEE Power Engineering Society, DOE is sponsoring a series of regional Fuel Cell Technology Forums. Proceedings available (May ’95, Boston; Nov ’95, Santa Clara CA; Nov ’96 Houston ) Local host utility involvement is welcomed. Contact Sam Biondo, (301-903-5910)

FE Communications is headed by Bob Porter (202)586-6503. FE published about 150 new “Fact Sheets” last year, and currently is updating and adding to them. These will all appear on FE’s Internet WWW page. Later this year, information will be added on all 600 active R&D projects, along with full text of technical reports.

There is also a “Fax-on-Demand” service (call 202-586-4300), and a less well-known “Fax-Out” service, which sends announcements and news on chosen topics to whoever is on the list.

3. DOE/EE — Office of Utility Technologies (OUT)

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE), headed by Assistant Secretary Christine Irvin, has four major program areas: Utility (OUT), Transportation (OTT), Building (OBT), and Industrial (OIT).

Karl Rabago left on March 1 as Deputy Assistant Secretary for OUT, and Allan Hoffman, his associate, is currently acting in that capacity.

Generally, OUT is downsizing and restructuring, essentially eliminating the “Office” layer of management (though some titles remain), and dealing with major budget cuts. Initiatives to reorganize and rationalize the division names and missions are no longer at the fore. The mood is one of considerable uncertainty. The divisions of OUT are Wind, Hydro & Ocean; Geothermal; Photovoltaics; Solar Thermal and Biomass Power; Utility Systems, and Advanced Utility Concepts.


Photovoltaics Division, Jim Rannels, 202-586-1721

There are some noteworthy developments in the solar PV.

– The Enron-Amoco-Solarex project in to build a 3+ MW solar PV plant in Hawaii is moving forward, with the building of a new factory in Virginia to make the cells.

– C-Star, Las Vegas NV, set up by DOE and the state of Nevada, and headed by Rose Mckinney-James, is reviewing 5 major bids to solar install projects at the Nevada Test Site. Plans call for as much as 500 MW of capacity of a number of diverse solar technologies.

– Cells and modules are getting cheaper all the time, with the current emphasis on new thin fim technology and mass production. Expect local home supply stores to be selling modules with integral inverters that can plug right into the household circuit, and slow or reverse the meter. Utilities better be planning how they’re going to respond.

– United Solar, Troy MI, will put PV roofing shingles on the market in about one year. These will be featured along with many other innovations in the Atlanta Energy Showcase House, to coincide with the Olympics. Oak Ridge has the lead — contact Pat Love at 423-576-7942.

– Also at the Olympics, Georgia Tech and Georgia Power are putting in a major installation of PV panels on a 100 ft. high stadium roof. Expect very high profile nationally and internationally, with TV camera views from the blimp. This might well result in a resurgence of interest and inquiries about solar which utilities should consider preparing for–and possibly taking advantage of. Utilities would do well to make a conscious decision about this, and not get caught off guard.

– The Utility PV Group (UPVG), with 86 utility members, is a formally constituted independent organization set up 4 years ago with DOE’s help at the request of a small group of utilities. It serves as a major forum for program development and interactions among utilities, PV developers and DOE. (Most but not all UFTO members are in UPVG. For $2000/year, it would seem a very cost-effective way to keep abreast of new developments.)

Utility Systems Division, Robert Brewer (202-586-2828)

This group handles T&D, EMF and district heating and cooling. Budget cuts have zeroed out the T&D program entirely, and with the new emphasis on renewables, they are looking for ways to contribute in that arena.

The work at Oak Ridge on “High-Phase Order” Transmission was completed and published — found to be a valid approach. A commercial demonstration has been operational in upstate NY since 1992. A 1.5 mile three phase circuit was converted to six-phase, and offered a 73% increase in line capacity.

Real Time control studies are continuing, in particular the wide-area measurement work at PNNL with BPA and WAPA. The idea is tovalidate power system computer models so they can be relied upon to operate the transmission system closer to the margin.

Oak Ridge has developed a new advanced Resonant Snubber Inverterwith considerably improved part load performance. (Inverter development had been focused on HVDC, but now the effort is shifted to lower voltages.) While part load performance is less of an issue in many applications, it can be quite significant in solar and electric vehicles, where the system operates at part load much of the time. Adjustable speed drives may also benefit from this technology.The ORNL inverter is 80% efficient at low speeds and 98% at high speeds, vs. more typical performance of 60-70% and 94%. The device is much smaller and should be cheaper than conventional inverters and have much reduced waveform distortion and interference. Jason Lai is the inventor of this “resonant snubber” inverter. Contact Frank Juan 423-576-8540.

Sandia has looked at inverters that have failed in use, and DOE is continuing to support the work at PNNL on the multi input inverter, which interestingly was first developed for MHD.

ORNL also has just completed a study of “Electric Power Ancillary Services” (e.g. voltage and frequency control, spinning reserve, reactive power, etc.), examining who will provide these services in a restructured industry and how they will be priced. Brendon Kirby and Eric Hirst have a new report published Feb ’96 (ORNL/CON-426. To request a copy call Ethel at 423-576-0071.)

Interestingly, the work on Distributed Utilities (DU) was never a line item in the DOE budget, and was done largely with internal lab directed funds at NREL and PNNL. DOE has traditionally emphasized generation and supply, and not the overall “system”.

In T&D asset management, DOE (and Oak Ridge) take the position that the industry (utilities, vendors, EPRI) have the responsibility for near term real-time Operations & Maintenance improvements and techniques, and that DOE should take the broader long-term view. We encountered this idea at ORNL some time back, and discussed their “understand the basic physics and chemistry first” approach vs. a more pragmatic phenomenological approach (i.e., look at field data and use AI technniques, etc.)

4. Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT)

Denise Swink, Deputy Assistant Secretary, 202-586-9232

OIT has a wide ranging series of programs to support the development of efficient industrial technologies and process systems, to help U.S. industrial productivity and competitiveness. OIT funds R&D at the national labs, universities and industry in bioprocessing, catalysis, separations (membranes), sensors, CFCC’s, combustion, materials, cogeneration, and solar industrial technology, and in processes for each of the industries listed below. This technical work forms the basis of a vigorous outreach through “partnering” programs. Utilities could be very effective in bringing these resources to the attention of their industrial customers. Contact Marsha Quinn, 202-586-2097, Director, Technology Access

– Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse: 1-800-DOE-EREC

– Internet: http://www.eren.doe/industry/

– To receive the quarterly newsletter “Benefits and Breakthroughs”, contact Nicki Malenfant, NREL, 303-275-3632. The first (Summer ’95) issue gives a good overview of programs.

– “Impacts” (October ’95 ) catalogs what is available from the results of OIT funded projects, and there are also a new series of product sheets called “Bottom Line”.

Industries of the Future Program focuses on seven industries where technology can yield the biggest returns: Petroleum refining, chemicals, pulp and paper, steel, aluminum, foundries and glass. It brings together the technical resources of all the national labs in what is called a “virtual lab” concept, and works with those industries to develop “vision” statements, and establishes plans to solve their important problems and opportunities.

Contacts: Kurt Sisson, Acting Director 202-586-0139

Bruce Cranford, Chemicals 202-586 -9496 Tom Foust, Pulp & Paper 202-586 -0198
Douglas Kaempf, Metal Casting 202-586 -5264 Susanne Leonard, Glass 202-586-6108
Matt McMonigle, Aluminum 202-586 -2082 Dan Wiley, Refineries 202-586 -2099

The Motor Challenge Program has enrolled over a thousand industrial partners, who get easy access to product and system information and technical resources, such as fact sheets, “Motor Master” software, conferences and technical assistance.

Contact Paul Scheiling, 202-586-7234, or call the Hotline 1-800-631-3832.

Climate Wise helps U.S. industry partners reduce emissions while increasing profitability. This is a voluntary program paralleling the Climate Challenge program which many utilities participate. Members agree to come up with plans to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Firms like AT&T, Coors, DuPont, GM, and Weyerhauser have already signed up. Regional workshops have led to the formation of local area groups. Some funding may be available for smaller companies. Contact Marsha Quinn, 202-586-2097.

NICE3 (National Industrial Competiveness through Energy, Environment and Economics) awards grants to teams of state agencies and local industry to support demonstration of technologies that reduce energy consumption and pollution.

Contact Alan Schroeder, 202-586-1641

Industrial Assessment Centers (formerly Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Centers) at 30 universities around the country provide free audits and waste assessment services to small and medium industrial companies. This program has been in place for nearly 20 years, providing experience for engineering students as well. Recently ten IAC-State Office partnerships were awarded to encourage local industrial community links.

Contact Chuck Glaser, 202-586-1298 or Rolf Butters, 202-586-0984

International Development helps with the DOE trade missions, and is involved in work with China, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Mexico and the Ukraine, to introduce appropriate and more efficient industrial technologies into these fast growing economies as their energy demands expand. Contact Peter Salmon-Cox, 202-586-2380

Bulletin #18

UFTO Bulletin #18

February 2, 1996

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Filemaker progress Cold Fusion Tech Nuggets

Where has January gone?

1. Enclosed is an updated UFTO roster. Note some new/changed email addresses. Also, a page from the current version of the new Subscriber Briefing, listing the key themes of UFTO in Year #2.

2. Update on the “By-Topic” mission:

– The Filemaker database is taking shape. We should have virtually all of our information to date loaded in an “alpha” version this month, which will enable me to do topical cut & pastes on request. Still a few bugs to work out, but it’s looking good. If anyone wants a copy of the database, we can do that, so long as it’s clearly understood that it won’t be “commercial grade” software.

– “Breakthrough Technology Conference” (Electrotechnology) in Tampa, April 24-6 —
See enclosed ad from Electrical World. I hope you and someone from your marketing group will attend. We’ll hold an UFTO group meeting in conjunction with this event. See attached questionnaire, and encourage your industrial technology/customer rep types to send someone.

— 2nd Topical Conference — PNL has offered to work with us on arranging some kind of a meeting–and even to host it. Please indicate any prefences about time, place and topic — see questionnaire. [How about Delivery — T&D? Or Environment?]

[PLEASE– fill out the attached questionnaire and fax it back to me, if you haven’t already. Thanks.]

3. I attended a one day conference in Cambridge MA in January, onCold Fusion and related developments, and am making a number of contacts as a result. This is in the category of “early warning radar”, though there are indications this whole business may be farther along than we think. See the enclosed “UFTO Comment.” (Also see UFTO Faxgram, March 25, 1995, for another discussion of “way out” technology.)

4. The Capstone turbogenerator story is moving very fast. They’re in contact with literally 100’s of utilities world wide, and signing up several a week as distributors. The usual utility industry time scales don’t apply. This situation will not wait for people watching from across the action gap who plan to look into it “soon”.

5. I have additional info on the PNL/Viatec waste acid detox and reclamation process, for metal-bearing spent acids in iron and steel, electroplating, galvanizing, and semiconductor industries. Any size of operation can be accommodated. They report paybacks of 6 months to 2 years. The company can be reached at 509-375-3268

6. I plan to attend the Technology Partnering workshop in Washington, February 26-27, sponsored by McGraw Hill, and featuring a number of high level government and industry speakers. Let me know if you or anyone from your company might be there.

7. You will get a copy of the Sandia U.S.-Russian Fuel Cell Conference proceedings sent directly to you in another month or two. I’ve given Sandia your name and address. Also, I’ve obtained some interesting material on fuel cell work in Europe. Let me know if you’d like copies.

Quote of the day: “To ask permission is to seek denial” Scott Neally, CEO, Sun Microsystems

UFTO Technology Nugget

February 2, 1996

• The International Utility Efficiency Partnerships (IUEP) is an industry wide initiative of the Climate Challenge, which is the partnership between utilities and the DOE to promote reductions in CO2 and greenhouse gases. The IUEP is overseen by EEI, and now has a WWW page at

Contact: Michael Rucker, 202-508-5510,

• The United BioEnergy Commercialization Association (UBECA) encourages the development of biomass resources. Membership includes electric utilities, power producers, EEI, APPA, NRECA, EPRI and DOE. They are currently developing a national and international initiative to be cofunded by federal and private money. (One UFTO member is already participating.)

Contact: Amy Van Horn, UBECA, 202-296-8663

• The Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) in Rome NY is sponsored by the DOD Defense Technical Information Center and is operated by the IIT Research Institute. They provide an extensive array of publications, training courses and technical support. RAC is a focal point for reliability, maintainability and quality of components and systems, serving both the the DOD and commercial industry. They collect, analyze and publish databases on quality and reliability and evaluates and publishes information on engineering techniques and methods.

Contact: Michael Rossi, RAC Deputy Director, 315-339-7087

WWW home page is at:

A Product Catalog available. Call Gina Nash at 800-526-4802. Also ask for their video, and get their free quarterly “RAC Journal” sent to the right people in your company.

• A partnership consisting of American Superconducting, Lockheed Martin, Southern California Edison, and Los Alamos National Laboratory have demonstrated a 2.4-kilovolt high-temperature superconducting (HTS) current limiter prototype. The demonstration was funded by DOE’s Superconductivity Partnership Initiative program (described in the 9/94 UFTO reports on Argonne and Oak Ridge National Lab). American Superconductor expects to commercialize HTS current limiters by the end of the decade.

Tests performed at SCE indicated that all performance goals for this device were met. In addition, tests of the prototype demonstrated two other attractive features for utilities — this new, fully automated device can be used as an extremely fast circuit breaker and can interrupt multiple faults. One of the unique components of this new fault current limiter is its high temperature superconducting coil that is connected into the electric power grid using a solid-state switch.

Contacts: Gary Dishaw, Southern California Edison
Eddie Leung, Project leader, Energy & Power Systems (E&PS),
Lockheed Martin, San Diego, CA

• The state of the art in home insulation has advanced considerably in recent years. A comprehensive overview appears in the current issue (Feb/March 1996) of Fine Homebuilding magazine. It was written by Alex Wilson, editor of Environmental Building News, a bimonthly newsletter, $127/year, on environmentally sustainable design and construction. May be a good complement to E-Source and materials from the National Labs. 802-257-7300.

Bulletin #15

UFTO Bulletin #15

October 31, 1995
To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Many many things – please review carefully

1. “Fossil 1.0” — This is a first very rough start at the “sort-by-topic” objective of Year 2 of UFTO. I’m calling it a “Topic Resource File”. It’s a simple cut & paste from all previously released UFTO reports, showing any material that might be interesting to somebody in the fossil generation business. Try it out on your fossil people.
– Is this helpful?
– What more/different should we try next (in terms of format, editting and content)?
– What other “Topics” would you like to see?

We’re also considering various electronic schemes. Please think about how you want to use/file/store/distribute UFTO information, and let me know what you think might work for you, and any suggestions or ideas you have on the subject. (What do your information specialists suggest? Are there any new tools and techniques?)

2. Speaking of Topics — UFTO is co-sponsoring an”Electrotechnologies Conference”, March 27-29, 1996 in Tampa FL, with Electrical World and the ElectroTechnology Marketing Group. I sent you an email about this on October 30, to see if any of you want to be a utility sponsor. The deadline for first ad to appear in the December issue of Electrical World is Nov. 1. If you want more details now, let me know.

This is a great opportunity to learn about electrotechnologies that are out there, and to promote your own. It’s also a great way for us to do one of our UFTO “topical conferences”. We can have our own session the day before or the day after…. thoughts? reactions?

3. “Technology Strategy Benchmarking” — A couple of our member utilities have asked me to do a study of how various utilities are handling new technology, and where it fits in their business strategies. (Note that we did not say “R&D Benchmarking”!) They wondered if any of their fellow UFTO members would like to cofund it.

This would be along similar lines to the project I did for PG&E two years ago (now out-of-date, with so many changes since then) that you’ve all seen. How are efforts funded, organized and measured, and what is their business purpose? The survey will draw from a variety of primary and secondary sources, and will not rely primarily on interviews. Results to be delivered by early December.

This project is separate from UFTO* . If you are interested in cofunding it and sharing in the results, the cost will be $2000, which can be offset by designating some of your utility’s individual UFTO consulting time and/or by contributing “in-kind” information. Please let me know by 11/6 if you want to participate.

*(Unless there’s a unanimous vote to include it in place of other UFTO activities)

4. Technology 2005 — I attended the big NASA sponsored tech transfer conference in Chicago last week, and used the opportunity to begin to figure out how to tackle the Dept of Defense, NASA and the Dept. of Agriculture, and to determine key contacts and information resources for each of them. Manyinteresting technologies were there to be discovered. See the attached sampler.

Other highlights of the show–numerous innovative transportation technologies, such as new engines, injectors and turbine designs from Australia. DOE Ames Lab may turn out to have some things we’ll want, like a way to reduce transformer core losses that’s much easier than amorphous metal, and practical magnetic refrigeration. The Nevada Test Site wants your business with its unique remote indoor and outdoor test facilities and sensor and detector systems. The Kansas City Plant excels at manufacturing, and is starting a new initiative called Factory America–they’re sending more information.

5. Sandia’s Russian-U.S. Fuel cell conference in September was a huge success. The Russians have an operating 100kW PEM powered vehicle. Gazprom is funding development of a small PEM unit to be placed along its gas pipelines for cathodic protection. A U.S. company is quietly negotiating for rights to the PEM technology (and it’s not Ballard or GRI!). Another company is going after some of the Russian Solid Oxide work. Proceedings from the conference should be available in a few weeks.

6. INEL Fuel Cell — INEL has a unique approach to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells…They weren’t quite ready to talk about this item when we released the INEL report…..

INEL Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Several novel innovations have been demonstrated with the goal of making a 20-100 kW solid oxide fuel cell for disbursed power applications such as remote ranches, factories and homes. The innovations are a cell interconnect layer and fuel manifold that is also a catalyst for internal reforming of hydrocarbon fuels, furnace brazing between cells, and layered thin film fabrication via liquid injected plasma. Several patents have been filed, but a fairly low profile has been maintained vis a vis the fuel cell community.

INEL is looking for cooperative research partners who will assist in funding research. INEL has not licensed any intellectual property or distribution rights. These would go to CRADA partners.

Contact Paul Lessing, Principal Investigator 208-526-8776 or Dennis Cheney 208-526-9557.

7. I’ll be going to Brookhaven and Savannah River in the next 4-6 weeks.

Administrative Stuff

a. Lab Contacts: Both of our original contacts at Argonne have left, and our man at Livermore changed jobs. An updated list will go out in the next mailing. Stand by for more changes in the days ahead.
b. Contacts at PNL — Please check your copy of the PNL report to see if there’s a Page 14 “Contacts”. I’ll send you one if it’s missing.



• AMTEC (alkali metal thermal to electric conversion) has been under development by NASA Lewis for a long time. With a sealed unit as small as a D-cell, or much larger, a startup company says it’s ready for bonafide commercial applications, starting with remote power generation (replacing less efficient thermoelectric units). Put them in a gas furnace, and homes could stay warm in spite of blizzard-caused power outages.

• CO to CO2 catalyst operates at room temperature. NASA needed to save the power used to heat catalysts on satellites. It also forms the basis of a very cheap CO sensor. A startup seeking funds has exclusive rights for sensors, firefighter masks and other key applications, and a possible shot at automotive exhaust. Rochester Gas & Electric has the rights for air treatment. (Think about smart buildings applications.)

• Bolt Analyzer — Patented PC notebook based system using commercially available load sensor and torque wrench attachments. . NASA Goddard is looking for a commercializer. Analyzes bolted joint coeff. of friction and stress, does non-destructive testing of threaded fasteners, and can verify lubricants, etc, reducing preload error in bolt tightening.

• Ultrasonic Leak Detector — handheld unit used by NASA during pre launch, distinguishes high frequency acoustic signature of jet-type leaks (non-laminar flow) from noisy background. NASA looking for a commercializer.

• Fiber-Optic radiation dosimeter — Naval Research Lab developed this for naval reactors, and wants to it to the commercial world. Excellent for hot cells, confinement, and storage monitoring.

• Oil Dialysis — electrostatic oil cleaning has applications in lubricating, hydraulic, insulating, and fuel oil. Units are on the market. It gets oil cleaner than new, removing submicron particles. Oil lasts longer, reducing disposal volume. Already tested in tap changers by two utilities. Can decontaminate radioactive oil. Business plan/offer memo available.

• Turbogenerator — a 24 kW unit weighs only 165 lbs. and could be mass produced for $2000. The turbine and the generator are on the same rotor shaft (the only moving part), and it burns diesel, natural gas or gasoline. Low emissions. Orginally designed for a hybrid vehicle application, it may represent a breakthrough for distributed generation. A number of units are in operation. There are a few unanswered questions, e.g. longevity, reliability, and variable duty performance.

(Disclosure: I have or may seek a finders agreement with some of these companies. EB)

Bulletin #7 – PNL Utility Needs “Closure” Terms

UFTO Bulletin #7

May 3, 1995

To: UFTO Subscribers

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

PNL Utility Needs “Closure” Terms

1. We’ve finished all the briefings and needs assessments at your companies. Enclosed please note the draft “Utility Needs” memo to give to our contacts at the National Labs, so they can respond. Please get your comments or changes to me ASAP.

2. Also enclosed — a memo detailing the terms we talked about at our meeting in Golden for official close- out of the 94-95 program. Let me know if you have any concerns about it, and if it looks right to you, please sign and return to me.

3. I visited Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) in Richland WA, adjacent to but separate from the infamous Hanford Site. PNL is run by Battelle Memorial Institute, and has a unique contractual arrangement with DOE where they can do work either as a national lab or as a private firm.

They’ve got a lot of really exciting work, and they’re committed to working with the utility industry, based on a long history with BPA and others. Some of you may know Merwyn Brown, formerly of PG&E’s R&D Dept., who joined PNL recently as an Assoc. Director of the Energy Programs, who’ll give them the insights and direction they need to make it happen. Merwyn, and with our main contact Carl Imhoff, are really excited about the opportunity that UFTO gives them to make contact with utilities.

Pending my major writeup for PNL (along with LANL, Sandia and Berkeley), some “UFTO Flash” highlights are attached.

4. Any interest in the special situations at Los Alamos and Sandia that I told you about last month? A few of you have made contact about them, but the response hasn’t been overwhelming (e.g., no inquiries about “HyMelt”, which I thought looked really interesting). Either the “Action Gap” is a bigger problem than we thought, or these deals aren’t on target and maybe I need to recalibrate? Comments?

By the way, I now have the Los Alamos discussion paper on their PEM fuel cell. If you didn’t get a copy directly from them and you’d like to have one, let me know.

5. DOE is supposed to announce a major reorganization this week. The Office of Utility Technology (OUT) has been working on it’s own reorg. They had scheduled a Stakeholder’s Meeting for June 6, but it will probably be postponed until September. Previous meetings have been notably short on utility representation, but the problem’s been recognized, and through our contacts at PNL, UFTO members will be the among the first to be invited.

(Those who attended the DOE Industrial meeting in DC this week, I hope you’ll pass along any impressions, news and information. Thanks.)

6. I’ll be gone May 8-23. Please feel free to send mail, email, fax or voice mail messages in my absence, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I return.