December 12, 1994 To: UFTO Subscribers Michael Mulcahy BECO Rex…

Bulletin #3

December 1, 1994 From: Edward Beardsworth To: UFTO Subscribers Happy…

Technology Transfer Opportunities - Livermore National Laboratory

by Edward Beardsworth Nov 1994 Summary This report details…

Bulletin #2

From: Edward Beardsworth November 1, 1994 To: UFTO Subscribers Greetings!…

Bulletin #1 - Up and Running

Oct 1, 1994 UFTO 94-95 is up and running! Several items for…

Technology Transfer Opportunities - Argonne National Laboratory

by Edward Beardsworth September 1994 Summary This report details…

Technology Transfer Opportunities - National Institute of Standards and Technology

This report details findings about technology and technology transfer opportunities at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that might be of strategic interest to electric utilities. It is based on two visits to NIST headquarters in Gaithersberg MD (in April and August 1994), as part of a project for PSI Energy.

Technology Transfer Opportunities in the National Laboratories

This report details findings about technology and technology transfer opportunities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) that might be of strategic interest to electric utilities. It is based on two visits to ORNL in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (in November 1993 and March 1994), as part of a project for PSI Energy.

Global Emissions/Atmospheric Release Modeling

LLNL was called upon for analysis of Chernobyl, the Kuwaiti Oil Fires, etc. Can handle accident/leak situations on any scale.