Bulletin #14 – INEL Report

UFTO Bulletin #14

October 6, 1995

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

INEL Report

1. Enclosed is the report for Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL).

Things to watch for especially:

  • INEL’s radical and aggressive new approach to tech transfer,
  • Some nifty power systems innovations — in addition to IDMS** —
  • nuclear and non-nuclear waste management;
  • Risk management, as applied in nuclear and also applicable to fossil
  • Human factors,
  • Systems engineering,
  • and more

** One additional point on IDMS– it can serve as a system upgrade — using RTU’s already in place. So it shouldn’t be viewed only as a complete replacement for existing SCADA systems.

Also, we can look forward to a follow up memo that I’ll be working on with INEL to tell about a number of the interesting spin-off startup companies that are commercializing INEL technology. One that I already know about is an “alarm-filtering” capability — AI software that helps operators sort things out when a lot of alarms start going off. Another is the truck mounted processing machine for cleaning up soils from small oil spills, mentioned in the report.

2. Tech Nugget FYI:

• FLU-ACE was developed by Thermal Energy International in Ontario Canada. It’s an efficient mass transfer and heat exchange system made of corrosion resistant alloy steel, and smaller than a conventional smoke stack. Hot flue gases from any kind of boiler are fed in. Waste heat is recovered and many air pollutants are captured or eliminated — claims are reductions of 90% of soot and ash, 90% of CO, 90% of SOx, 80% of NOx and 99% of hydrocarbons. It also condenses and recycles water vapor. They’ve been installed on industrial and hospital boilers and may be put on Eastern European waste incinerators soon. Let me know if you’d like more information.

PS As I mentioned in my recent email to you, I will be at the Technology 2005 conference in Chicago October 24-26. Have you all received a copy of their program? As yet, no one has indicated they plan to attend, but please do let me know if someone will be there from your company. It’ll be a great opportunity for UFTO to renew acquaintances with all the labs we’ve already visited, to make contact with the DOE labs we’ve yet to do, and to get off to a big start with DOD and others. I’ll give you a full report.

Bulletin #13 – Year 2 of UFTO EMail Business Models

UFTO Bulletin #13


September 25, 1995

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Year 2 of UFTO EMail Business Models Tech Nuggets FYI

1. Year 2 of UFTO is off and running. Membership is still evolving. Of the 10 member companies from last year, 5 have already “done the paperwork” to renew, and 3 have indicated they’re going to rejoin. NYSEG is no longer with us, due to a massive budget cut, and Boston Ed is in the midst of a major reorganization that may prevent them from continuing. A number of potential new recruits are thinking about it. My thanks to those of you that’ve talked to them and told them good things about the program.

2. EMAIL ! Everyone in the group is a regular daily user of email, so this means we can rely on it for communications. The new roster (attached) shows email addresses. Some of you are on EPRINET and/or your own company’s system. Let me know if you have questions about any of the address formats.

3. Attached is a draft of a brief discussion paper: “Business Models for New Technology in Utilities.” This is a small beginning to move us forward across the “Action Gap”. I’ll be interested in your comments.

4. The INEL draft report just went to INEL for review and comment, so I should have it to you in a week or two. Very strong in Life Extension, NDE, Systems Engineering, Power Systems and more. BTW — INEL says that nobody in UFTO has called to learn more about their super scada IDMS system. I thought this one would fly across the action gap. Are we missing something?

5. Tech Nuggets FYI– various technology stories:

• Kalina is back in the news: GE Power Systems is searching for a site to build a commercial-scale demonstration plant to show the benefits of the Kalina Cycle. The plant will probably generate 40 Mw to 140 Mw, and it will feature a GE gas turbine and a GE ammonia/steam vapor turbine in the 15-Mw to 50-Mw range. GE wants to put the plant into operation by 1998. [Turbomachinery Int’l 7/95-8/95, V. 36, No. 4, P. 11.] The San Jose Mercury ran a story and interview with Kalina back in June. Let me know if you’d like a copy.

• CORPEX, a small company in Triangle Park, N. Carolina, has a chemical oxidizing process to decontaminate large metal objectslike BWR turbine rotors, reducing waste disposal volume by 99%. [Nuclear Plant Journal 7/95, v. 13, no. 4, p. 13]

• UTILX Corp., Kent WA, is promoting CableCure, a silicone injection process to extend the life of underground residential distribution cable. [T&D Magazine 8/95, page 38.]

• Hague International, Kennebunk Maine, has demonstrated a ceramic heat exchanger that provides high temperature air to gas turbines, protecting them from corrosion. Claims 20% increase in output per pound of coal. [Washington Post 9/6/95] DOE and a small consortium of utilities and vendors have been involved. I’ve contacted the company, and have a lot more information if you’re interested.

PS: Are you going to Tech 2005 in Chicago, October 24-26? Did you get the program information? I’m planning to arrive sometime later in the day on Tuesday 10/24.

Bulletin #12 – Pacific Northwest Labs Report

UFTO Bulletin #12

August 18, 1995

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Pacific Northwest Labs Report

1. Enclosed — The UFTO report from PNL. You’ve seen a few of these items already, when I reported “Flash” one pagers on DSOM, Acid Recovery, and Environmental Management. Note particular strengths in Power Systems, Building Energy, Thin Film, and Sensors, to name a few areas. They have made the utility industry an explicit major focus in their efforts to get more commercial business.

2. I’m off to INEL on Monday and Tuesday. They’ve got a really full schedule for me, according to the agenda they just faxed over. A copy is attached. They’re the first lab to have our Technology Needs document before our first UFTO visit.

How’s the interest developing in your company about IDMS? INEL says every one who sees it agrees with their claim that they’re way beyond anything currently available in SCADA. They don’t have any thing in writing they can send you, so the next step is to call them on the phone, and then go visit. (This is a classic case for the “early bird.”)

3. One of the utilities I’m trying to recruit as a new member of UFTO asked for some specific examples of technologies that should excite them–I sent them a one page list –copy enclosed. Maybe it’ll trigger another look-see at your company. (Many thanks to those of you who’ve taken phone calls from interested utilities and responded so positively.)

4. Mary Cucchiarella of NSP put together a book of the UFTO materialsfor wide distribution within the company. Enclosed is a copy of thecover memo and table of contents, in case it inspires you to do something similar. If you need my help, let me know.

“O&M” Items

• In Bulletin #11, part the of the 800 phone # for the BMP was missing. Sorry about that. (No, it wasn’t a test, but did you notice?) The complete phone # is 1-800-789-4267.

• EMAIL — I’ve been meaning to ask–are you on Internet? Use email? Eprinet? My general email address is edbeards@epri.epri.com. (I’m using an eprinet “consultants account.) If you’re on a different email service, you can still exchange email with anyone on eprinet using the general internet form of the address like mine. In the next edition of the roster, I’ll include the email addresses for UFTO members who use it regularly (i.e., daily). Let me know if that includes you (by sending me an email!).

• I’ll be in Idaho Falls at INEL from 8/19 thru 8/22, make a brief appearance home in the office on Wednesday, August 23, and take a quick vacation from 8/24 thru 8/29. Back in business on Wednesday 8/30.

I hope you had a great summer— Hard to believe it’s almost over!


Technology Transfer Opportunities – Pacific Northwest Laboratory



Final Report

Technology Transfer Opportunities in the National Laboratories

Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Richland, WA

August 1995

Prepared for:

Utility Federal Technology Opportunities (UFTO)


Edward Beardsworth



This report is part of a series examining technology opportunities at National Laboratories of possible interest to electric utilities


1. Summary
2 PNL Organization
3. PNL Technologies & Programs
14. PNL Contacts



This report is proprietary and confidential. It is for internal use by personnel of companies that are subscribers in the UFTO multi-client program. It is not to be otherwise copied or distributed except as authorized in writing.



 This report details findings about technology and technology transfer opportunities at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL)that might be of strategic interest to electric utilities. It is based on a visit to PNL in March 1995, as part of the UFTO multiclient project, and on extensive contacts with PNL to track the major changes there between April and August.


Noting the tremendous scope of research underway in the research facilities of the U.S. government, and a very strong impetus on the government’s part to foster commercial partnering with industry and applications of the technology it has developed, the UFTO program has been established as a multi-client study of the opportunities thus afforded electric utilities.

PNL Overview

The Richland “Tri-Cities” area is home to a number of reactor and weapons materials production facilities, the first of which was the Hanford Site, established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan project. The Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) is a separate multipurpose federal laboratory operated for the DOE by the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI). Battelle, founded in the 1920’s as a not-for profit, also operates its own laboratory at its headquarters in Columbus OH. BMI took over the management of PNL as a “GOCO” (government owned contractor operated) in 1965. PNL has over 4000 people and a budget of $500 million/year, although downsizing and budget cuts are underway.

PNL’s GOCO arrangement is unique in having two kinds of contracts with DOE. One, called “1830”, is just like other DOE labs, with the usual direct funded work for DOE, work for others, CRADAs, licensing etc. The second type of contract, called “1831”, enables PNL to perform strictly commercial proprietary work for private industry, paying a use fee to DOE for the use of the facilities and overhead. 1831 programs comprise less than 10% of the total activity at PNL, and involve slightly higher rates together with the better business terms for outside clients.

Commercialization is strongly encouraged at PNL, as is multi disciplinary harvesting and reapplication of results and technology from across all areas of the lab, including “black” programs.

Several years ago, PNL made a specific long term commitment to energy, investing its own lab-directed funds (LDRD) and Battelle’s IR&D in such areas as EMF mitigation and Real Time Control of Power Systems. The primary focus has moved distinctly away from generation, and towards T&D and end-use, with continuing strong emphasis on environmental impacts and restoration and on planning and analysis.

PNL’s core competencies relevant to energy include:

Energy Systems Research: Power Systems, distributed utilities, automated diagnostics

Process Technology: Polymer coatings, reaction engineering, and process design tools

Integrated Environmental Assessment: EMF Effects, Global Modeling, Oil & Gas Cleanup.

PNL’s approach to the utility industry, which it has specifically identified as a major program direction, is to support enhanced asset utilization in the near term while preparing a leadership role in the “utility of the future”, involving real time control, distributed utility, new products, and risk/strategic environmental management.

PNL’s Commercial and Industrial efforts already have a long history with the gas industry (GRI and gas/combination utilities), working on pipelines, appliances, etc. and providing product development and commercialization support, problem solving, life/prediction/failure mode analysis, efficient repair technology, and safety and inspection technology.

PNL Organization

PNL has just completed (July 1995) a major reorganization and downsizing (with the help of McKinsey), eliminating nearly 2/3 of the upper management, and going to more of a line organization. (The “Technical Centers,” matrixed with “Business Directorates,” are no longer.) In the new order of things, “lines of business” are the major focus, drawing on personnel and capabilities across the lab, to address their particular sectors.

The technical Divisions are: Environmental and Energy Sciences, Environmental Technology, Energy, Health, National Security, and Emerging Technologies. These divisions each have a number of departments. The names of both divisions and departments are in many cases not a good indication of what goes on in them, so the best strategy for an outsider is to rely on a personal point of contact to reach the personnel and resources that are appropriate to a given topic.

PNL is strengthening its already substantial commitment (including internally funded development projects) to expanding the commercial side of the business, and seeks increased contact with private industry. The Energy Division might better be called the “Commercial and Industrial Division”. Merwin Brown, formerly of PG&E, now heads the Energy Technology Department and Line of Business, which indicates PNL’s resolve to serve the utility industry. They of course will draw on people and talents across the entire lab to meet the needs of utility clients.

PNL’s Utility Strategy

PNL and its parent, Battelle Memorial Institute, have provided significant R&D contributions to the utility industry over the past several decades. BMI is the largest contractor to GRI, and PNL alone currently serves over 30 utility clients with a range of products and services. In addition to utility support, PNL provides support to DOE’s Office of Utility Programs. PNL’s energy strategy has identified the deregulation sweeping the utility industry as a key driver for technology needs over the next several decades. In response, PNL has increased its emphasis on the needs of the utility industry. PNL’s utility industry has two primary foci:

1. Help increase asset utilization in gas and electric utilities, and

2. Provide technology leadership in distributed energy systems.

PNL’s offerings for utilities include:

• Advanced power systems, transmission and distribution technologies and services

• Operations and Maintenance technologies and services

• Technology development and competitive analysis for new energy products and services

• Environmental Management

• Organizational Effectiveness assistance

[UFTO’s contact is Carl Imhoff, who reports to Merwin Brown.]

PNL Technologies & Programs


Covered in this report:


  • Decision Support for Plant Operation & Maintenance (DSOM) 4
  • Process Science & Engineering — Electrochemical Processes 5
  • Power Systems 6
  • Federal Emergency Management Information System (FEMIS) 8
  • Building Energy Standards Program 8
  • Sensors 9
  • Coatings and Thin Films 10
  • Planning & Analysis 11
  • Strategic Environmental Management 12
  • Environmental Technologies 12
  • Waste Fate & Transport 12
  • Fisheries and Water Resources 13
  • Operational Effectiveness 13

• Decision Support for Plant Operation & Maintenance (DSOM)
Principal Investigators: Don Jarrell 509-372-4096
Dick Meador 509-372-4098

PNL has fully developed this AI software system that provides on-line engineering expertise to assist operators and maintenance personnel. It uses a proven root-cause analysis methodology, RCM techniques, plant aging experience and advanced instrumentation technology, all in an easy to use GUI package.

The first major application, in use at two military bases for theircentral heating plants, is saving $ millions in the first year alone. (The Marine Corp had asked them to help with aging, poorly performing plants, based on PNL’s earlier work on root cause analysis for the military.)

A second application, already developed, is a Pump Motor Diagnostic Model, that provides operators (not engineers) with diagnostics that recognize stresses early, before failure. It uses fuzzy logic and neural net analysis of existing sensor data.

The capabilities appear to go well beyond anything else that is commercially offered, providing a far more sophisticated and complete solution.

A brochure on DSOM (pronounced “dee som”) is available from PNL:

  • A new service business opportunity for utilities — putting this system in at commercial and industrial central heating facilities (a typical site requires several man months to set up). It’s all ready to go.
    The capability could be applied to any process, utility or customer’s. PNL could help develop applications.
    Applicable to utility power plant operations.
    Perhaps a good place to start a T&D RCM development.

• Process Science & Engineering
Electrochemical Processes Ed Baker (Principal Investigator) 509-376-1494

Waste Acid Recovery

Based on the development of a polymer heat exchanger that can withstand 200 ˚C, this is a commercially available system that recovers process acids, and separates metals from waste streams. It is already in use in a few places, and is very broadly applicable, e.g. to galvinizers, platers, and innumerable other industrial processes. It would help keep a customer competitive, by reducing waste disposal costs.

The vendor is Viatec Recovery Systems, in Hastings MI and Richland WA. They are small, and would probably be interested in some kind of teaming to give them access to markets and capital.


Alkane oxidation for partial conversion of methane to methanol. Catalyst is regenerated electrochemically. Could help fill in the summer slump for natural gas demand, making oxygenate for gasoline. Also use at oil wellhead, to capture flared gas. Needs $300-500K for proof of concept. (pat. pend.)

Near Critical Water Oxidation

(TEES, for thermochemical environment and energy system) converts organics to methane and CO2 with high pressure, high temperature water–both energy production and cleanup! Applicable to aqueous waste streams with organics, e.g. food processors could lower costs and even do some cogeneration. Sludges and slurries OK. There’s a small licensee in Southern California.

Supercritical CO2 cleaning —

replaces solvents (e.g. CFCs, carbon tet, trichlor, etc.) The trick is to recover energy during pressurization/depressurization. A DOE funded demo is going in at a foundry in Portland, OR, and a transportable demonstration unit for parts cleaning is on the road, traveling to trade shows. No licensee as yet.

Catalysts by design

For example, membranes reactor to generate hydrogen from methane, avoiding the need for a reformer — important implications for PEM fuel cells.

• Power Systems

Landis Kannberg, Program Manager, 509-375-3919
John DeSteese, Sr. Research Engineer, 509-375-2057
John Hauer, Sr. Program Manager, 509-375-4340

PNL has a long history in RD&D for power systems. They had an active role in power systems since the 70’s, working closely with EPRI and with BPA. Earlier work included studies like estimating the savings from improved voltage regulation, distribution system modernization, evaporative cooling of underground transmission, and future trend assessment for DOE.

More recently, they have been involved in superconductor applications, the distributed utility concept, advanced computation particularly for transmission system dynamic analysis, and a range of special studies, including one on the need for power in the former soviet union.

Superconducting Transformer Evaluation with HTSCs … takes the view that discrete devices like transformers are a better application of superconductors than transmission lines. They found that HTSC transformers would be viable even with a conventional HTSC stability design, in the 30-1000 MVA range. ABB will build one in Europe next year. A likely early justification would be for use as a transportable spare.

PNL suggests an interesting first step: start by cooling an existing conventional Cu transformer with liquid nitrogen, gaining a 2x increase in power density. The next step is to redesign.

(A preprint is available from DeSteese, titled “High Temperature Superconducting Transformer Evaluation”).

Distributed Utility (DU) … PNL was part of the group (with EPRI, NREL, and PG&E) that started an informal collaboration to study DU. PNL’s work was funded by internal “lab directed R&D” (LDRD) money. One of the staff (Kannberg) went on loan to PG&E for a time, to manage the overall effort. Their particular interest is on the effects that implementing a lot of DU resources would have on stability and performance of the transmission system.

PNL did a DU Feeder Analysis for PG&E, using a “synthetic” load data set for each feeder. Based on load duration curves for a given feeder, the estimated the amount of distribution asset deferral possible from adding DU resources to trim the peak load, until load growth becomes overwhelming. This effort included the development of a short term load forecast using load shapes and cluster analysis to generate typical customer profiles. This was used to estimate the potential for DU and DSM and the value of retail distribution wheeling.

Contact Rob Pratt, 509-375-3648
Benefit Cost Analysis of Storage is pursued “technology-blind”, i.e. without a preference for any particular means for storage. A series of studies have focused on SMES. One evaluated SMES in a number of system-specific scenarios for BPA. (J DeSteese, et.al., Applied Superconductivity, Vol 1, # 7-9, pp. 1425, 1993) Others looked at wind integration, and other utility systems. They found that some earlier analyses tended to underestimate SMES benefits because multiple benefits were not evaluated.

Real-Time Power Systems Control (RTPSC) is a big issue for the industry, especially on the question of whether utilities will be willing to share the data needed. A control based strategy will need an extensive information infrastructure, and it needs a fall-back capability, perhaps including repair SWAT teams. There must be complete buy-in to the whole idea, and the conversion may take as much as 2-3 decades.

There appear to be two competing scenarios–one holding that DU will obviate the need for more transmission capacity, and FACTs, which has its own large information needs. PNL prepared a White Paper (Version 1.0 dated March 3, 1994). It outlines a phased strategy for the development and deployment of RTPSC. (It is available from the contacts listed above. A revised version is in progress.)

Workshops held in recent years have reached a consensus on the R&D needs, which include the need for: gaining a better understanding of optimal power system operation, a new generation of on-line sensing, advanced technology, local adaptive computer control, and systems wide engineering research into new algorithms and modeling approaches.

System Monitoring and Control … While some utilities have remote system monitors, there isn’t a comprehensive means to use this data in real time for system operation and control. Everyone from expansion planners to system operators needs measurement-based information.

PNL has developed a Portable Power System Monitoring Unit (Interactive Measurement & Analysis Workstation) which operates over a wide area network. It provides flexible trigger logic and GPS synchronized/phasor measurements, in an integrated open statistical and analytic environment. The workstation also provides dynamic analysis and design.

Visualization …. In comparing model-based vs. data based analysis, it’s been noted that the models tend to be more pessimistic about system behavior when problems occur. Operators need to be able to visualize model outputs, so they can understand, interpret and compare. PNL has applied commercially available visualization packages to represent power system simulation results. As one example, a graphics tool has been used to display output from the Extended Transient Midterm Stability package (ETMSP) from EPRI. This is seen as a first step towards a fully graphic based interface where one environment provides data entry, simulation control and analysis, using the models no longer require separate procedural steps.

Power Conversion … PNL has built and is testing a 5 kW power converter using Pulse Amplitude Synthesis Control. It promises better integration of a variety of DC generators and storage sources with diverse characteristics, making them appear as one integrated resource on the grid. (Visualize a transformer with multiple primaries and a single secondary.) The principal advantage is that the power converter is not dependent on the operation of each of the DC supplies.

They are in the process of lining up a CRADA partnership with a wind power manufacturer who only wants to license it, so other interested parties would be welcome.
• Federal Emergency Management Information System (FEMIS)
Tom Coonelly, Computer Sciences Department, 509-375-6480

FEMIS is an automated decision support system which integrates all phases of emergency management. It was developed for the U.S. Army to deal with chemical weapons, but it is a generic set of tools that can be adapted to any emergency response situation, providing planning, coordination, response, training and exercise support for emergency managers. FEMIS enables the integration and use of real-time data from outside sources (e.g. weather monitors), which can be displayed in geographical and/or tabular form. It tracks resources, task lists, and organizations; it provides event logs; it reminds the user about overdue tasks; and it reports on the status of wide variety of items. FEMIS uses commercial software in a distributed system architecture.

It is a general, “vanilla” capability to bring in information from over a large geographical area and respond to it. One important element–it can provide systematic coordination of different agencies and jurisdictions, i.e. company, local, county, state and federal.

Possibilities for utilities–a new breed of nuclear plant emergency response tools, application to transmission grid management (operations and emergency planning, e.g. storms). Discussions are underway with several potential commercializers, and a helpful overview brochure is available.


• Building Energy Standards Program (BESP)
Jeffery A. Johnson, Program Manager, 509-375-4459

Building Energy Codes Hotline: 1-800-270-2633 answers questions from state and local code officials, builders and others.

BESP did a survey in 1994 of utilities, to find out what strategies are currently being used to promote energy-efficient building design and construction (sponsored by the DOE Office of Codes and Standards). The complete report is available: PNL-9976, “Lessons Learned from New Construction Utility DSM Programs and Their Implications for Implementing Building Energy Codes”

The Advanced Energy Design and Operation Technologies (AEDOT) project focuses on developing advanced, computer based building-energy design tools, incorporating new energy-efficiency expertise into systems architects and engineers use to design and operate buildings. A CRADA is underway with the University of Oregon and Softdesk, Inc. to integrate energy analysis into a CAD tool. The product, “Softdesk Energy”, will be distributed to all users of AutoCAD with Softdesk–over 100,000 users. It automatically transfers building geometry data to the energy analysis software, enabling the user to obtain energy load estimates at any time, using the ASHRAE Simplified Energy Analysis Method for heating and cooling anywhere in the U.S.

Contact: Michael Brambley, AEDOT Program Manager, 509-375-6875.


BESP publishes a newsletter “Building Systems Update” Contact C.J. Belcher PNL, Box 999, K5-02, Richland WA 99352, FAX 509-375-3614

Also, a new brochure “Enhancing Today’s Buildings, Inventing Tomorrow’s Buildings” will appear next month giving a detailed overview of the work in codes, standards, compliance modeling, building (life-cycle!) energy analysis, metering, data-logging, retrofit analysis, building operations and maintenance assessments, etc..
• Sensors John Hartman, Leader, Electro-Optic Systems Group, 509-375-2771

There is no specifically organized function to manage sensor development at PNL. Instead, there are a large number of informally linked “islands” of expertise across the lab’s organization. John Hartman offers to help pull together the appropriate people to address any particular need or application.

It’s also important to note that sensors are only one of a long list of technical areas that comprise PNL’s “Automation and Measurement Sciences Department”, including robotics, imaging, NDE, instrumentation, and applied mechanics.

PNL views sensors in the context of the entire process and environment they operate in. Starting with a long list of basic sensing mechanisms, a cost-effective and practical device must be developed, together with the associated components to form a sensor system. The sensor system in turn must fit functionally into the larger system of which it is a part.

Thus, the development of a sensor system must draw on a wide range of talents.

Mechanisms include electrochemical, electromagnetic, chemical interaction, mechanical, optical, radiological interaction, electromechanical, and thermoelectric. Practical sensors measure the presence, amount or concentration of chemical species or radiation, mechanical strain, moisture, crack growth, acoustics, fluid flow properties, temperature, em fields, or corrosion.Implementation must take into account materials, signal characteristics, response rates, fabrication, stability, on-board signal handling, packaging, power requirements, calibration, etc. Finally, the balance of system must deal with how the sensor data is transferred and used, in terms of the process hardware, software and human interaction.

Some examples:

Fiber-optic Chemical sensors monitor ground water contamination, using emission, absorption or color-change phenomena.

Piezoelectric Chemical sensors detect small quantities of a chemical species with selective coatings.

Acoustic and Ultra acoustic sensors are applied in diverse areas such as sonar, materials inspection, and near-surface geophysical exploration. Measuring the time of flight of a sound pulse, PNL developed a system to measure the internal temperature of steel at temperatures up to 2000 ˚F. It is now is use in a steel plant’s continuous caster.

Optical sensors have applications ranging from power-beaming in space, to high speed production inspection, to remote temperature measurement.

[For further inquiry: H2 detection is very important for Hanford, and a group at PNL probably has done work in this area that might prove useful for nuclear power plants.]

• Coatings and Thin Films
John Affinito, Staff Scientist, Materials Sciences Dept. 509-375-6942

PNL has developed new processes for rapid vacuum deposition of multilayer polymer and metal films, and is pursuing applications in Li batteries, solar thermal reflector films, magnetic shielding, electrochromic films, supercapacitors, and non-linear optical devices. They achieve higher quality and production rates hundreds of times higher than other methods.

In the Polymer Multi-Layer (PML), monomer fluids are vacuum flash evaporated on the substrate. The fluid condenses as a liquid film and then is radiation cross linked to form a solid polymer film. In a second process, called Liquid Multi-Layer (LML), the liquid is directly coated onto the substrate by extrusion, rollers, spraying or other means, and then is radiation cross linked. Both of these processes are novel, fast, and compatible with simultaneous high rate in-line deposition of other layers by conventional vacuum coating processes (evaporation , sputtering, or plasma enhanced chemical vapor). Several licenses have already been granted.

The supercapacitor consists of thousands of thin alternating layers of polymer and aluminum, and can go to very high voltage. The PML/LML processes inherently eliminate pinholes and other micro defects that can have a significant effect on the properties of the film. There is a licensee — AVX in South Carolina.

The solar reflector film has higher reflectivity and is cheaper than other alternatives, using acrylic/silver/acrylic layers on a polyester substrate.

Optical coatings have been done on elements 2 meters in diameter.

Electrochromic heat mirror film can become cost effective due to the high rate of production.

Micro Heat Exchanger/Heat Pump Kevin Drost, 509-375-2017

PNL is developing a miniaturized vapor-compression cycle heat pump smaller than a dime that could be fabricated by the hundreds in thin layers on a single sheet. Such sheets could be incorporated into walls of buildings, replacing conventional HVAC.

They’ve had success with the evaporator and condenser components, attaining heat transfer rates of 100 watts/cm2. The compressor is more of a challenge. Work is proceeding on two fronts, one a chemical absorption cycle, driven by heat, and the other a miniature electromechanical pump, which is showing earlier promise. Without the compressor, the evaporator and condenser could be configured as a thermo siphon for cooling electronics.

This work is definitely in the “potentially revolutionary” category, though actual commercial applications are years away. Possible uses: Controlling chemical processing very precisely, which for example could make it possible to make a very high performance reformer for use with fuel cells or at the wellhead. Another application: cooling for protective clothing for use in hazardous environments.
• Planning & Analysis Ron Nesse, Sr. Program Manager, 509-376-4217

Until the most recent reorganization (7/95), the Technology Planning & Analysis Center (TPAC) was a part of Battelle matrixed to PNL, with some staff located in Richland and a group in Seattle. As of this writing, the designation TPAC is no longer operative. Many of the people have been assigned to the new Energy Division and some to the Environment Division.

The focus is management of technology, as distinct from technology itself, supporting DOD and DOE in policy, system models, technology assessment, organization design, human factors and legal and regulatory analysis. (Battelle Columbus has a separate commercial consulting practice that does “Technology Management”. Due to common interests, there’s a fair amount of informal collaboration, but no direct reporting relationship.)
Organizational Consulting for the Utility Industry

Jon Olson, Assoc. Center Manager, TPAC (Seattle), 206-528-3200

The Seattle group is focusing more on private industry than do the people in Columbus, and has specifically targeted the utility industry, manufacturing, and biotech. Noting the dramatic changes, new pressures and new business options utilities are facing, they offer services in organizational effectiveness, process redesign, implementation, and leadership training. In addition to on-site consulting and training, they offer training courses and seminars. The group also does Human Factors and Social Research Support of the Nuclear Industry — safety analyses, plant aging, and procedures design for nuclear utilities here and abroad.
Management Analysis Program (MAP) Linda Fassbender, Project Manager, 509-372-4351

MAP has been instrumental in the ongoing reorganization and strategic planning process for the Office of Energy Management in the DOE Office of Utility Technology. MAP facilitated a stakeholder meeting (4/94), provided issue background analyses, and prepared a Strategic Plan document. The Issue papers offered a succinct analysis of economic, environmental, regulatory, institutional and technological trends and issues in the energy industry for Hydrogen, Electricity, Thermal Energy, and Natural Gas. A second stakeholder meeting was planned for mid 1995, however it has been postponed pending the outcome of higher level DOE reorganization and budgetary uncertainties. DOE and PNL want a far greater participation by the utility industry in these deliberations in the future.

Facility Energy Decision Screening (FEDS) is a comprehensive approach to facility energy management developed for DOE and DOD. The software is fuel and technology independent, and optimizes life-cycle cost/savings considering all interactions, including utility rebates. Used at many sites and facilities in conjunction with the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) [see the UFTO NREL report], it has shown that modernization investments of 1-2 times annual energy costs can effectively provide lower costs and increased reliability. Training is available.

Global Change Policy Analysis Tools — for EPRI, EPA, DOE, and others. PNL is the heart of a world-wide “virtual ” center on integrated assessment of climate change issues. Perform policy analysis, technology analysis and social science research. Second generation model integrates emissions carbon cycle, climate modeling, ecosystem response, oceans, and human dimensions.


• Strategic Environmental Management

“Life Cycle Assessment” is the new buzzword for analysis of all aspects of a process or technology –cradle-to-grave, overall infrastructure, all the way up and down stream.. Internationally, the ISO 14000 movement (see below) is gathering momentum, and this is in much the same spirit.

DOE, DOD and EPA are sponsoring the Life Cycle Computer Aided Data Project, which includes separate groups for each of a number of various industries. The idea is to create a generic modeling system that more detailed individual process models can fit into.

Contact is Ken Humphreys, 509-372-4279

Battelle Labs (contract manager of PNL) offers consulting inStrategic Environmental Management, which helps companies get beyond the reactive mode and into a proactive “competitive-advantage-mode” on managing their environmental issues.

They and PNL have an initiative to put together the “Industrial Consortium for Environmental Standards, Science and Technology” (ICES). This is a novel approach to creating networks of already existing groups to be a part of the international ISO 14000 efforts. [If you’re familiar with ISO 9000 — the European total quality program that the US just waited to get hit by, this is the environmental analog, being vigorously pursued in 24 countrieswithout government involvement! There is an ad hoc network of US participants, and ICES is a way to get linked into it.] Contact is Gary Morgan. 509-375-2373
• Environmental Technologies Jim Hartley, 509-372-4428

PNL has an extensive program in technology for managing wastes and performing remediation, and in analytical risk-based decision support tools, such as the Remedial Action Assessment System (RAAS), Remedial Options (a database available commercially from Battelle), Multi-media Environmental Pollutant Assessment System (MEPAS — prioritizes risk).

As one example, the SAFER code for site characterization was developed at PNL, and CH2M Hill uses it commercially. PNL’s tools have credibility, and DOD buy-in, for evaluating remediation alternatives. They provide support to DOE’s cleanup efforts in the form of products and services. They also do restoration and cleanup work for almost all government sites, usually partnering with vendors. Key Battelle technologies for remediation include:

Soil: Vitrification*, soil washing , bioventing, chemical stabilization, insitu corona, six phase heating**

Water: Chemical barriers, Bio barriers, Extraction/Injection network, electrochemical oxidation

*Terra-Vit is a versatile low cost waste vitrification melter can transform waste into products

**ERACE heats the soil electrically to free less volatile contaminants.

Fate & Transport Management of Electric Utility Wastes

Dhanpat Rai, PI, and Andy Felmy, Group Manager, 509-372-6296 (?)

PNL has performed many projects for EPRI for over 12 years in geohydrochemical analysis, e.g. for coal ash leachates and other utility waste streams. Their expertise includes laboratory and field studies on leaching and modeling (FASTCHEM, FOWL, CHROMAT) etc. The group has published widely — a list of publications is available.

• Fisheries and Water Resources

Marshal Richmond, Sr. Research Engineer, 509-372-6241

Duane Neitzel, Staff Scientist, Aquatic Ecology Group, 509-376-0602

Part of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Center, which encompasses Hydrologic Processes, Marine & Environmental Chemistry, Ocean Processes, and Marine Ecological Processes. Research Facilities include Aerosol Wind Tunnel, Arid Land Ecology Reserve, Geochemistry Lab, Geoscience Visualization Lab, Subsurface Environmental Research Facility, Fish Hatchery and Wet Lab, Remote Sensing, Marine Sciences Lab, Airborne Laboratory

Fisheries: Hatchery and Wet Lab provide controlled conditions, making possible precise determination of impacts on fish populations from such phenomena as O2 deprivation.

River Simulation: system of models that simulate flow hydraulics (flood wave), non uniform sediment transport, contaminant transport. Can handle branched and looped channel systems, operations of dams and reservoirs, heat transport and transfer, and river bed accumulation of sediment and contaminants. It features long term multi year simulation and system operation simulation.

Watershed Modeling: detailed integrated representation of watershed processes. Includes two layer canopy model for evapotranspiration, energy balance for snow accumulation and melt, a two-layer rooting zone model and a saturated subsurface flow model. The landscape is divided into grid cells on Digital Elevation Model data nodes, used to model absorbed radiation, precipitation, air temperature, and down-slope water movement. When linked to a regional climate model, it can generate snow pack, soil moisture and stream flow information that can be used to manage water resources.
• Operational Effectiveness

The Operational Effectiveness Department works for DOE and other governmental clients and private industry on policy and regulatory management, operational assessments and training and evaluation.

Operations Technology Group — testing support to NRC Operator Licensing, direct PNL internal operations assessment, support DOE re operations. Reactor safety evaluation, individual plant evaluations.

Safety & Health Technology Group — develop OSH policy, accident investigation, OSH compliance inspections, training, decontamination and decommissioning support

Safeguards and Security Group — Domestic and international safeguards, protection programs, information security, physical security and protective force support, multimedia training

PNL Contacts

General phone # 509-375-2121

Mailing Address:
Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999
Richland WA 99352
The primary contacts for UFTO are:

Carl Imhoff 509-375-4328 ch_imhoff@pnl.gov

Energy Programs Manager
Merwin Brown 509-372-6323 ml_brown@pnl.gov
Director, Energy Technologies Dept.


Information Source Contacts
Katie Larson 509-375-3698 kj_larson@pnl.gov

Energy Division Communications
Media Relations: Jerry Holloway 509-375-2007

Bulletin #11 – Various & Miscellaneous FYIs

UFTO Bulletin #11

August 7, 1995

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .


BONUS ISSUE: Various & Miscellaneous FYIs

  •  Anderson Consulting prepared a slick report called “The Role of Broadband Communications in the Utility of the Future”, sponsored by a cable consortium and themselves. Call Tony Fakonas at 415-546-8599 to request a copy.
  • Lawrence Berkeley Lab’s Energy Analysis Department just released their 1994 Annual Report. I’ve already given your names and addresses to them and asked that they put you on the mailing list for it and their newsletter. Call Karen Olson if you want to change who it goes to in your company. 510-486-5974
  • Does “BMP” mean anything to you? It stands for “Best Manufacturing Practices”, a program started by the Navy. They’ve taken survey teams into nearly 70 major companies, and prepared a highly detailed assessment of their processes, identifying any “best” practices they find. They just published a report on Sandia National Lab, so we can get another perspective about SNL. They have reports on all of the places they’ve studied, and a program of regional workshops, a free online database, and other kinds of outreach. Something for your industrial reps, or anyone involved in benchmarking or quality. I’d bet BMP would love to survey a utility. For information, call 1-800-4267.
  • GRI goes out of its way to make information available. To get a free subscription to their magazine, GRID, call Carrie Holmes at 312-399-8100. It’s very worthwhile, especially for electric-only utilities, to keep an eye on what they’re doing, particularly in end-use technologies. (Watch out for your commercial cooling load!)
  • Technology 2005 , the 6th national technology transfer conference and exposition, will be October 24-26, 1995, at McCormick Place in Chicago. It’s worth at least one day to go through the exhibits. Call 212-490-3999 for registration info. (I may attend as part of UFTO2. FYI, as of today 4 companies have said they’re renewing.)
  • Attention Geo/Data/AMFM/Mapping fans: Here in Silicon Valley, there’s a project called BADGER (bay area digital geo resource), which is setting up an Internet accessible geographic visualization system for the area. The system will include a shareable base map, various attribute layers, and three prototype applications: vegetation management, fire hazard risk assessment, and storm water discharge pollution management. Check out the demo to be posted at http://www.svi.org/BADGER.html. Call Michael McRay, Smart Valley, Inc., 415-857-6968, michaelm@svi.org (or me) if you want more information.
  • “As Built” drawings and updating can be a major hassle. A little company called Eos Systems in Vancouver BC has a product that gets 3-d cad data from ordinary photos, and they need help to explore utility applications. Let me know if you want to pursue this.
  • Recommended reading: almost the entire July 1 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly….


Bulletin #10 – Sandia Report INEL Batteries

UFTO Bulletin #10

July 27, 1995

To: UFTO Subscribers:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Sandia Report INEL Batteries

  1. The final UFTO report for SANDIA NATIONAL LABS is enclosed. Make certain your industrial marketing people take a good look at it, along with everybody else. There’s tremendous expertise here in robotics, reliability, processes, manufacturing, renewables, etc. etc.(Here’s a mischievous thought — do reps ever call on their own utility, and treat it like any other major customer? Just think of all the process, materials, etc. knowledge they have that a utility’s operations could benefit from.)
  2. The latest on Idaho National Engineering Lab (INEL)…….
    – I’ll be visiting there on August 21 and 22, for the full UFTO treatment.
    – A bit more detail about the Intelligent Distribution Management System (IDMS) is attached. (I’d been calling it IDS.) The people at INEL say they’ve built a next-generation SCADA system that is way ahead of anything currently available. You and your company’s experts will be the judge. Don’t hesitate to call them up and get started. They have a full system in operation, and will be taking it apart in October to do the actual installation, scheduled to take until March 1996. So, you might get a better show-and-tell in September, though no doubt they’ll be able to demonstrate the functionality in later months.
  3. I went to the Utility Battery Group (UBG ) meeting and the 5th International Conf. on Batteries for Utility Storage. Just half of the UFTO utilities are active in the UBG, tracking developments closely.
    What are the rest of you doing in this area? So much of the attention to batteries is focused on EVs that potentially significant developments in power quality, UPS, and T&D system enhancement can get overlooked. (One factor–too often “power quality” people don’t talk to “storage” people.) Vendors are taking orders for all kinds of systems, and more are in development.Let me know if you want info from the conferences, and we’ll try to arrange something. One bit of information you may want to have– the UBG is going to incorporate. They’re establishing a new membership policy, and they’re gearing up to deliver some informational products. Utilities can join for $1,000 .

    The Sandia report discusses the DOE utility battery program (see page 4).

  4. Reminder: DOE’s Annual Peer Review of the Superconductivity Program for Electric Systems Alexandria VA, August 1,2.

Also, Sandia is hosting a Joint US/Russian workshop on Fuel Cells, Sept 26-28. Let me know if you didn’t get a copy of the announcement, and if you want me to attend on your behalf (as part of UFTO, or separately).


Technology Transfer Opportunities – Sandia



Final Report

Technology Transfer Opportunities in the National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories

Albuquerque, New Mexico

& Livermore, CA

July 1995

Prepared for:

Utility Federal Technology Opportunities (UFTO)


Edward Beardsworth



This report is part of a series examining technology opportunities at National Laboratories of possible interest to electric utilities




1. Summary
1. Sandia Organization
2. Sandia Technologies & Programs
11. Sandia Contacts


This report is proprietary and confidential. It is for internal use by personnel of companies that are subscribers in the UFTO multi-client program. It is not to be otherwise copied or distributed except as authorized in writing.



This report details findings about technology and technology transfer opportunities at the Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) that might be of strategic interest to electric utilities. It is based on visits to Sandia in March 1995, as part of the UFTO multiclient project.


Noting the tremendous scope of research underway in the research facilities of the U.S. government, and a very strong impetus on the government’s part to foster commercial partnering with industry and applications of the technology it has developed, the UFTO program has been established as a multi-client study of the opportunities thus afforded electric utilities.

Sandia Organization

Sandia began in 1945 as a small part of Los Alamos Laboratory, and in 1949 became a separate laboratory managed by AT&T. (The University of California, which manages Los Alamos, did not want to become involved in the actual manufacture of weapons.) Due to AT&T’s culture and management approach, Sandia grew up with an organizational style similar to Bell Labs, and quite different from the other national labs. There is a line management structure, and from the beginning, a strong “industrial R&D” approach that emphasizes practical results and getting them into use.

AT&T has managed Sandia (as a public service, for $1 per year) from 1949 until 1993, when Martin Marietta won the bid to take over. Martin (now Lockheed Martin) has a subsidiary company called Sandia Corporation that manages the laboratory (similar to the arrangement at ORNL and INEL).

Sandia is located on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, and at Livermore California (across the street from L. Livermore National Lab). Total staff number about 8500 people, with about 1000 in California. About 60% of the staff are in technical and scientific positions.

Managers of “directorates” or “centers” have a fair degree of autonomy, and report up to a “sector” vice president level which in turn report to Al Narath, the president and lab director.

The sectors include:

Defense Programs (the largest), which does engineering and design for weapons systems,

Energy & Environment, led by Dan Hartley, deals with all other areas of the Dept. of Energy, with programs in Applied Energy, Nuclear Waste Management, Environment, Nuclear Energy, and Energy Research.

Work for Others (other government agencies) also known as Systems Applications and Research & Exploratory Technology

Sandia has specific major cross-cutting initiatives in agile manufacturing, electronics, and advanced information processing.

A general point of information: each lab annually publishes an “Institutional Plan”, which is organized according to which DOE Program Office supports the work, not the lab’s own organizational structure. Thus a “mapping” between the two structures is required to be able to see the work of the groups within a lab.

Sandia Technologies & Programs


Covered in this section:

  • Combustion Research
  • Advanced Batteries and SupercapacitorsUtility Batteries/Storage/UBG
  • Renewables
  • Fuel Cells
  • Robotics
  • High Consequence Operations
  • High Performance Computing
  • Distributed Information Technologies (NII)
  • Sensors
  • Materials
  • Reliability/Decision Making
  • Micro SMES
  • HyMelt
  • High power switching

General Telephone # is (501) 844-5678
In Livermore, CA (510) 294-3000

Programs of greatest direct applicability to utilities are in the:
Applied Energy Program Dan E. Arvizu, Director 505-845-8336


Three major program areas:

1. Renewable Energy: solar thermal, PV, wind, geothermal, biomass

2. Energy Efficiency: utility energy management, materials & manufacturing processes, combustion technologies, transportation batteries, superconductivity

3. Fossil Energy: coal combustion, oil & gas production, strategic petroleum reserve
Industry collaborations involve many electric utility companies and manufacturers.

• Combustion Research Don Hardesty, Manager, Combustion Research 510-294-2321

Charles M. Hartwig 510-294-3047

Over 1000 Sandia employees are located in facilities in Livermore California, and operate several special facilities, one of which is the Combustion Research Facility, the only one of its kind in DOE. Can handle industrial scale burners to 3 million BTU/hour. It is a “user facility” and outside visitors and users are encouraged. Partnerships with industry include GM, Cummins and Beckman Instruments and many others. Developed a number of specialized flame/combustion observational, measurement and diagnostic techniques. Provided fuel blending strategies to midwest utilities to meet SOx requirements.

The Burner Engineering Research Laboratory is a user facility for industrial burner manufacturers, is booked for a year in advance. Wide range of studies include air toxics modeling

NOx program addresses measurement and prediction of NO formation in turbulent flames.

Sensors for steel industry for in situ measurement of CO and CO2 in furnaces.

Combustion properties of biomass derived fuels and char.

Laser and remote atmospheric sensing (invented Lidar).

The Engine Combustion Technology Program involves all the major car and engine makers, universities and other labs.

In Hydrogen, work in progress on combustion, engines, storage, and hydrides.

Publications: CRF News published bimonthly. Contact William J. MacLean, 510-294-2687


• Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors

Electrochemical R&D for DOE is longstanding and diverse, meeting many needs for high quality and reliable systems for weapons programs, and working at the forefront in many nonweapons areas of technology. Lawrence Berkeley Lab is well known for fundamental research, and Sandia for devices, having supplied all the power supplies for nuclear weapons systems since the 1950s.

Until a reorganization on July 1, Sandia’s work in battery technology was part of a larger activity called the “Electronic Components Center”, which includes microelectronics, modules, optoelectronics, components and reliability. Full fabrication capability. [This Center could be a valuable resource for a utility’s customers in these industries. Ray Bair, Director, 505-844-1912.]

Battery programs now reside in the “Energy Components Center” (Joan Woodard, Director 505-845-9917) along with work in explosives and neutron generators, though personnel will continue their close coordination with the Electronics Center.

There are four battery development groups at Sandia, each with a different emphasis, but closely interrelated. The department heads form a coordinating team.

Dan Doughty Battery Programs 505-845-8105

Ken Grothaus Battery Research 505-844-1654

Dennis Mitchell Battery Development 505-844-8656

Paul Butler Testing Program 505-844-7874

(Full range of performance, abuse, failure, and qualification testing. Extensive facilities.)


– Work in Zinc/Silver Oxide, Sodium Sulfur, Zinc Air, Zinc Bromine, Advanced Lead Acid, Nickel Hydrogen, Nickel Cadmium, Lithium/Sulfur Dioxide, Supercapacitors

– USABC CRADA, with automakers, lithium rechargeable battery development and testing

– Implantable long life battery development for medical application

– Battery Technology Initiative — funds-in CRADA with 4 companies for consumer batteries

– Ultracapacitor — thin film to get 1000 F in a D cell.

– Reserve Batteries — primary energy sources; one-shot devices activated by external means. For weapons systems; not likely to have commercial application.


• Utility Battery Storage Program Paul Butler, 505-844-7874 Abbas Akhil, 505-844-3353

Battery technology development (Pb-acid with GNB, Sodium sulfur with Silent Power, etc.), modular systems (AC Battery/Delco), systems studies (SDG&E, Chugach, Oglethorpe, BPA), feasibility studies (SMUD, Chugach), test & demos (PG&E, Metlakatla Alaska, PREPA) subsystems engineering, integration, industry outreach.

Strictly electric power industry oriented. About half of budget goes to industry in heavily cost shared projects. Sandia sees utility applications as being very nearly ready for take off. (Phase 2 of “Opportunities” project just getting underway–needs industry participation! Phase 1 report available from Paul Butler.) Broad view of potential emphasizes T&D benefits, DSM and UPS/Power Quality applications, which don’t require very large scale demos. Problems with large scale installations leading to new approach to do smaller units that are flexible or transportable. More of a T&D asset like a transformer. Puerto Rico’s experience with 20 MW unit has them convinced to meet their estimated need of 100 MW with turnkey units.


Provide support to the Utility Battery Group (UBG)

[An excellent and very cost effective way for utilities to stay abreast of developments; controlled by its utility members Many UFTO members already active. Contact Rick Winters, UBG chairman (PG&E/Endicon) 510-867-0904, or Paula Taylor, Energetics, 410-290-0370.]

• Renewables Paul Klimas, Manager, Renewable Energy Office, 505-844-8159

Sandia’s goal is to develop commercially viable energy technologies based on solar, wind and geothermal resources so they beocme significant domestic and international supplies. They have a long-term focus on the utility sector, expecting remote markets to play a key role in supporting the industry.

Photovoltaics Marjorie Tatro 505-844-3154

Activities in all aspects, from cell development to system applications. Work closely with industry on technology development for crystalline silicon cells and modules and other systems components (e.g. inverters, battery charge controllers and controls), and with the systems integration industry and users through the PV Design Assistance Center. The Center did a thorough evaluation of existing installations and identified new opportunities for the National Park Service. They have an extensive publications list (including some on utility interconnection issues), and provide support to project developers here and abroad.

In the past, Sandia had a number of partnerships under an initiative on concentrators, but chose not to support this work when funding levels were reduced in 1993. The only concentrator effort funded through FY94 was the low concentration line focus concept advanced by SEA Corp.

In one-sun cell development, Sandia emphasizes crystalline silicon, working on cell designs and processes. (NREL tends to be more involved in advanced materials and thin film.) Sandia believes their broad resources in manufacturing are valuable, bringing optimized high temperature processes, surface treatments and reduced waste streams to the manufacturers of cells.
Solar Thermal Craig Tyner 505-844-3340

Manage the conversion of Solar One (still operational!) to Solar Two. IR 100 awards for Solar Detox and Dish-Stirling. $150 million jointly funded program with utilities and manufacturers on Dish Stirling engines (Cummins 7 kW remote power unit is making good progress, and there are two other larger system efforts, both with utility involvement). (“Compendium of Solar Dish/Stirling Technology”, SAN93-7026 Printed Jan. 1994, by W.B. Stine and R.B. Diver, a new report surveys international state of the art.)

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility has an array of heliostat, dish and trough systems for running tests of various kinds.

The Solar Thermal Design Assistance Center provides technical assistance, helping clients select and apply solar thermal technology. (Contact David Menicucci, 505-844-3077).
Wind Henry Dodd, 505-844-5253

Historically, Sandia’s emphasis was on the vertical axis concept, however they have a new initiative to approach wind with a systems view, and have worked on materials and blade design improvements for all wind machines.
Geothermal Jim Dunn, 505-844-4715

Working to reduce costs — developing down hole instrumentation to reduce loss circulation, and”slim-hole” technology that could cut cost of drilling by 1/2 (appropriate for remote village applications). Also working on geothermal ground source heat pump concept (drilling, placement and heat exchanger design). Helped commercialize new drill bit.
• Fuel Cells Gary Carlson, Manager, Fuel Science Dept. 505-844-8116

This is a small program, using most internal lab directed funds, except for work for the DOE Office of Transportation Technology on advanced concepts. Goal is to develop partnerships with industry, and capitalize on Sandia’s capabilities in batteries, catalysis, and especially manufacturability. Note need for better materials to get long term performance. Sandia/Livermore is doing some work in PEM thin films, applying membrane supported catalysis to enable on board hydrogen production.


They see special opportunity to develop a small fuel cell (less than 1 KW) for remote applications, to compete with PV and batteries. One application could be gas pipeline condition monitoring.

Sandia has a broad capability to tailor properties of carbon foams, as applied to supercapacitors, advanced (Li) batteries, and fuel cells.


• Robotics Sandia Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center, Phil Bennet, 505-845-8777

Sandia is at the forefront of bringing defense and weapons related “Intelligent Systems and Robotics” to bear on commercial needs, and has grown to be the leading robotics R&D effort in the U.S. They focus on critical national needs (hazardous waste clean up and manufacturing competitiveness), reducing the time and cost to develop applications of advanced technology into practical systems, and improving the speed, quality and safety of operations. There is a strong emphasis on working with industry, universities and other government facilities.

Their approach is based on an open-architecture communications-based integration of sensors, mechanisms and software. Computer-model and realtime sensor-based control strategies make off-line programming possible, speeding the development of applications and systems.

Historically, DOE’s internal need for systems to handle small production lots led to the development of ways to reduce the costs of programming and fixturing.

Specific projects relevant to utilities include robotic welding of spent fuel barrels, saving on the order of $250 million and thousands of man rems of exposure. Another involves hot repairs to boilers — in fossil plants (proprietary — with an unnamed utility)!

This Center is clearly a potentially valuable resource for automating utility operations, as well as for industrial customers who develop or use robotics. A good overview is contained in a booklet called “Sandia is Changing the Way the U.S. Does Robotics.” Sandia staff have also authored a number of papers at robotics conferences.


• High Consequence Operations Russ Skocypec, 505-845-8838

Sandia’s Engineering Sciences Center encompasses computation, testing, and validation, enabling design trade-offs to be confidently evaluated. Evolving from a historical mission to support systems design and safety for nuclear munitions, they now can offer industry a means to quantify efficiency and safety issues pertaining to industrial accident phenomenology. Detailed risk assessment and coupled analysis and testing provide understanding of the physics of fires, crashes and blasts, enabling better decisions about prevention and response.


• High Performance Computing Sudip Dosanjh, 505-845-7018

DOE operates the Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory (MPCRL) at Sandia, which applies these new levels of computing power to a broad array of scientific and engineering problems, ranging from structural mechanics and acoustics to chemical reaction dynamics, genome mapping and astrophysics. In the last 4 years alone, the computational speeds have increased by a factor of 100. In collaboration with the University of New Mexico, Sandia has developed a unique operating system called SUNMOS, and their own linear equation problem solver gives them powerful capabilities in parallel computing.

A newletter called the MPCRL Research Bulletin is available.

[Perhaps a place to try some new approaches in power system modeling? Particularly in connection with the next item.]


• Distributed Information Technologies,

Rich Palmer, Manager, California Program Development, 510-294-13126

Sandia has a major role in developing technologies for distributed information systems that will contribute to building the “National Information Infrastructure.” Industry has needs similar to DOE’s Defense Programs to use cost-effective distributed information systems to access and process information. The issues are the same: manipulating large data sets, moving them around efficiently, and dealing with privacy and security issues. DOE labs have developed synthetic data sets as benchmarks for participants to perform their own validations and comparisons. The goal is to be able to run problems on very large parallel or distributed systems via high-speed networks.

Sandia has also built extensive testbeds to develop and evaluate distributed applications over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks tying together distributed computing resources. The testbeds include long-link emulators that simulate delays and errors encountered in wide-area networks over large distances. To complement those testbeds, Sandia has also developed a Monte-Carlo simulation based modeling capability for studying realistic network component performance and issues such as congestion control mechanisms for large networks. By including the proper physical representations of traffic models for sources and sink, the same modeling capability could by used to simulate the performance, utilization, and potential overload of wide-area electrical transmission grids.


• Sensors Marion Scott, Manager, Sensor Programs Dept., 505-845-8146

Sandia’s work in microsensor development includes acoustic, micro machine/micro electronics, fiber optics, and micro impedance techniques. They have their own complete CMOS IC fabrication capability in-house, as well as for gallium arsenide, enabling them to undertake unique development challenges, such as combining micro machined structures and associated electronics on an IC.

– A bulk quartz resonator can look at the condition of oil in situ. Other possible applications–monitor the state of charge of a Pb acid battery or the capacity of coolants.

– Surface acoustic wave devices coated with chemically sensitive films can sense chemical species in gas at parts per million by looking at resonance changes. With multiple coatings and using pattern recognition techniques it’s possible to distinguish multiple species. Has been packaged in a down hole tool for pollutant sensing.

-Hydrogen sensor on a chip uses special alloys that change their resistivity with maximum sensitivity to H2 concentration.

– Fiber optics offer another technique to sense a wide range of chemicals, such as hydrogen, mercury, SO2, chlorine, and various oxidants. The end of the fiber is coated with a thin chemically sensitive film that changes its reflectivity. CRADA underway with the JW Harley & Assoc to develop a H2 sensor for utility transformers.

– Micro impedance and capacitive sensors can measure physical features for manufacturing applications, e.g. detecting surface flaws in real time. This has been applied to textiles.

– Accelerometers measure vibration indicating structural changes. Sandia has developed a fiber optic/micro machine hybrid device.

• Materials Jim Jellison, Manager, Technical Business Operations,
Materials & Process Sciences, 505-844-6397

Sandia’s Materials Science and Technology program has 600 staff, and is the largest in DOE. Originally developed to provide non-nuclear components for weapons, it now offers services to a wide range of government customers and private industry. The forte is concurent design of the product and the process to make it.

Expertise includes welding, especially cold welding, and soldering; mechanics; tribology, especially lubricant free, with a focus in electromechanical devices; corrosion, emphasis on electronics (e.g., fluxes on circuits, dissimilar metals, batteries); corrosion kinetics, atmospheric testing facility (sensitivities in ppb); aluminum coatings–developing replacement process with less environmental impact; laser surface ablation.

Smart Processes — predictive models using phenomenological data enhances casting, heat treatment, welding, induction heating, etc.

Aging of organic/polymer materials-accurately accelerated aging tests. Applied to electrical cable in work for the NRC

• Reliability/Decision Making

Robert Cranwell, Manufacturing Systems Reliability, (505)844-8368

Industry and the nuclear weapons complex (NWC) rely upon the availability and reliability of equipment which can greatly influence operational costs. Equipment design, reliability, maintenance strategies, and spares inventories all contribute to the cost-of-ownership of factory or plant equipment. Sandia has developed capabilities to assist industry and the NWC in “design for reliability”, equipment improvement analyses, creation of maintenance strategies, and optimization of spares inventories. These capabilities have been broadly applied throughout industry, including the U.S. semiconductor industry, biomedical industry, machine tool industry, automotive and aircraft manufacturing industries, and solar power industry. The capabilities include custom reliability analysis software, optimization analysis techniques, predictive maintenance capabilities, and cost-of-ownership analysis tools. Key partners include SEMATECH and several of its member companies, Cincinnati Milacron, McDonnell Douglas, and USCAR (a consortia of the “big three” auto makers).

Sandia has been working with several major companies, including Motorola and Texas Instruments, to evaluate and qualify new environmentally conscious “no clean” soldering technologies that do not require subsequent cleaning of newly soldered printed wiring assemblies. These new processes are being used extensively throughout industry with great success (Two reports, 11/92 and 6/95, describing these efforts have been issued.)

The Energy Analysis Diagnostic Center (EADC) is a DOE/Office of Industrial Technology program at 30 universities around the U.S., which perform energy audits of companies. In conjunction with this program, Sandia is working with two of the NIST Manufacturing Technology Centers (MTCs) to develop an integrated energy, environment and manufacturing (EEM) assessment tool, the concept being that these three areas (energy, environment, and manufacturing) need to be assessed on an integrated basis, as an attempt to optimize in one area could cause problems in the others. This integrated tool would be used by MTC field agents to assist U.S. manufacturers in EEM related issues, and is being piloted in SIC codes 345, 346 and 347 (screw machines, stampings and forging and metal coating). The Sandia/MTC program is jointly funded by EPRI, NIST, EPA, DOE/OIT, and Sandia.

Follow-on opportunities are needed.

Detailed briefings or information are available on request.

[Perhaps this group would be a good resource to go after the T&D maintenance issue?]

• Micro SMES, Dean Rovang, 505-845-8277

Both Sandia and Los Alamos have a hand in this program to build a SMES unit that would be about 10x larger than Superconductivity, Inc.’s unit, and smaller than the B&W/Anchorage device. The application is Power Quality for industrial customers, and/or at the substation level — on the order of 10’s of MW for seconds. This is seen as a development project, not a research one, with the goal to learn if such a device is the solution to an industry problem.

CRADA negotiations are underway with one utility already, however there is very likely a way for other utilities to participate, if only by providing modest funding for a seat at the table.

• HyMelt, Stuart Purvis, 505-845-8392

The technology makes it possible to convert low grade hydrocarbon feedstocks (or fossil fuels) directly into Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide (separate product streams!) while sequestering impurities, even producing elemental sulfur. There is no stack, and no emissions.

Ashland wants this technology for its refineries, to deal with the sour crude it often must buy, to produce hydrogen, and to handle refinery “bottoms”, which are a costly disposal headache. As a Hydrogen producer, HYMELT is estimated to be 30% cheaper than steam reforming when using the same feedstock, i.e. fuel gas. It is cheaper still when a waste stream is used as the feedstock instead.

Ashland Oil has demonstrated proof of concept in their labs, and has funding committed for a production installation. What’s missing is the piece in the middle — the intermediate scale demonstration R&D. Sandia is proposing to DOE/Fossil to fund the government side of a CRADA with Ashland, but with budget cuts, funds might not be available. Ashland has asked Sandia to look discretely for a partner interested in other fields of use, and who could put up $800k/year for 3 years, leveraging the many $ millions that Ashland has spent and committed.

[This information should be handled with discretion.]

Contact Al Sylwester Tel # 505-844-8151
• High power switching Don Cook, 505-845-7446

Sandia has developed very fast, very high power switching capabilities in connection with pulsed particle accelerators for fusion research and other work requiring fast pulses. For example, they can make a 20 megavolt, 10-20 megamp pulse with a 50 nsec. risetime.

It has been suggested that this technology might be applicable to utility needs, however an initiative would be needed to establish a dialogue between the developers and someone from the utility industry to explore the possibilities.

Sandia Contacts
General Telephone # is (505) 844-5678
In Livermore, CA (510) 294-3000

The primary contacts for UFTO are:
Alan P. Sylwester, Technology Integration Dept., 505-844-8151
Dan E. Arvizu, Director, Applied Energy Program 505-845-8336
Technology Transfer: 505-271-7888

Information Source Contacts / Technical Information Services:

Office of Public Relations and Communications : 505-845-7759

“Laboratory Publications” 505-844-4902
Technical Publications 505-844-9285
Technical Library 505-845-8364

Bulletin #9 – Intelligent Distribution Geomagnetic storms Superconductivity

UFTO Bulletin #9
July 13, 1995

To: UFTO Subscribers:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Intelligent Distribution Geomagnetic storms Superconductivity


1. Update on the new connection at Idaho National Engineering Lab(INEL)…….

– I’ve waited sending this to include a more detailed description of the”Intelligent Distribution System” but INEL hasn’t gotten it to me yet. I’ll send it on to you Friday if it arrives. On the surface, the “IDS” looks like a perfect match for your company’s strategic goals, so be sure to alert the appropriate people in your company.

– INEL is probably not going to do the big “Utility Day” mentioned previously. Instead, they’d welcome visits by any of us individually or in groups (which is even better for us). I will plan my official UFTO visit for sometime in August. Maybe you’d like to join me there after I’ve spent a day with them, or arrange for a visit some other time, once I get you more information.

2. Changing Faces: Just after I sent you the list of lab contacts, I learned that David South is no longer at Argonne. He left to join a consulting firm in DC with Jack Siegel, former head of DOE Fossil. Until we reestablish contact with that part of ANL, we can continue to work through Tom Marciniak.

3. DOE’s Annual Peer Review of the Superconductivity Program of Electric Systems will be held August 1-2 at the Holdiay Inn, Alexandria VA. Contact Craig Matzdorf, Energetics, Inc., 410-290-0370. The program will cover national lab and major private industry programs and detailed project updates from the Superconductivity Partnership Initiative. Looks like a good way to get the whole story at once! I have a copy of the agenda if they can’t get it to you immediately.

– (Are you getting the Superconductivity Bulletin? I sent them your name and address. Contact is Margaret Hanley at Argonne National Lab, Email: mmhanley@anl.gov.)

4. Any interest in geomagnetic storms, solar flares, and that whole business of induced EM pulses raising havoc with T&D systems? An episode in 1989 blacked out the entire Hydro Quebec system. Sandia has done some work in what they call “Space Weather Modeling” (I have a copy of a report and a contact name). Also, Oak Ridge has an ongoing monitoring project. Let me know if someone in your company wants to follow up.

– (BTW–Sandia is reviewing my draft report, so it should be ready before the end of July)

5. I will be travelling July 16-21 to the UBG meeting and the 5th International Conf. on Batteries for Utility Storage. A UFTO member utility is sending me to represent them and to take detailed notes. If you want to cofund this fact finding mission and share in the results (as this is outside the scope of UFTO), let me know.

The hotel tel # 800-468-2818 or 809-791-1000 if you want to reach me.

6. The time is rapidly approaching to decide about Year #2 of UFTO. A letter and proposal went in the mail to you this week. We have one confirmed renewal already! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help your decision process.