So you want to be a cleantech blogger? Have you been blogging before? Great, just remember, original articles only. We give you an RSS feed back you can post on your site as well.
Never touched a blog? Guess what, neither had most of us before we started, first timers welcome. Whether you just found us, have been commenting for years, or have been a total lurker, all great.
We are always looking for the next Richard Stuebi and John Addison, those rare bloggers who can influence the whole direction of a sector.
Our blog goes out through web, email newsletter, RSS, tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn and Yahoo Groups to tens of thousands of readers every week. Straight into the heart of the cleantech sector.
So whether you’ve just got one article in you, or think you could do this every week – submit here.
Remember, we’re generally op-ed style. Have an opinion and an interesting idea or take, be factual, use your real name and affiliation and disclose any conflicts of interests, provide a link back to your site, no ad hominems. Liberal or conservative welcome, but back up your assertions with logic, facts, and citations. Commenters will rip your article to shreds if you don’t. And no, we don’t provide monetary compensation for articles at this time, but if we ever do, rest assured the best and most prolific bloggers will get paid first.
And of course, be very, very entertaining, interesting, and persuasive. AKA, be good or stay off the field.
A few helpful hints:
400 to 1,000 words is a good length. Cite facts, link to where it came from. Use full names of companies, people and events, not pronouns, search likes that. Topical items in the news always make good blog fodder. Good titles matter, we’ll try to help editorial here, but give it your best shot. Don’t ramble, keep your eye on the ball with 1 to 3 clear concise points. Think about who you are writing for. Once published, market your writing. Post a link to your article in your email footer, back to your own site, on your facebook page, linked in page, tweet and status. You can use the handy icons at the bottom of each post to help. And then, email your article to the press department of any company our mention, or any bloggers or journalists you link to, everyone likes to be recognized, and they’ll often mention it.
Finally, if you want to do news, go elsewhere. If you want to submit a press release, submit it to our PR form.
Now get to posting!
Bloggers needed for:
water, renewable energy, transport, solar, carbon, biofuels, et al