Entries by beardsworth

Natural cooling via roof water spray

Roof Science Corp. has developed a system called WhiteCap which can meet 50%-100% of a commercial building cooling loads in arid or semi-arid climates, by radiating heat to the night sky to cool the roof and water which is sprayed on the roof. (Note this is radiative, not evaporative cooling.)

ORNL Utility Survey

The stated purpose is to increase utility awareness of ORNL R&D, to obtain feedback on the relevance to utilities of that work, and on priorities for additional R&D. Also, they want stronger ties to utilities and potential users of ORNL work.

Next Reliability TF Meeting July 23-4

The electric power industry is in the midst of a complex transition to competition, which will induce many far-reaching changes in the structure of the industry and the institutions which regulate it. This transition raises many reliability issues, as new entities emerge in the power markets and as generation becomes less integrated with transmission.

Business Models

Many electric utilities are struggling with how best to conceptualize and implement a “technology strategy” as the industry undergoes major change. How can resources put into R&D and new technology ventures be “driven to the bottom line”? Too often, utilities suffer from an “action gap” between learning about a new technology and taking steps to do something with it.

Space Solar Power, A Fresh Look

The NASA team characterizes the work as *very preliminary*, but is optimistic that technologies and systems approaches have emerged in the last 20 years that make the potential for space solar power far more feasible than traditionally believed, perhaps as soon as 10-15 years from now.