Entries by beardsworth

Flue gas heat recovery and air pollution control

Simple in concept, FLU-ACE has accomplished something that many others have tried unsuccessfully to do for a long time, and they have plants that have been operating for over 10 years. Their condensing heat exchanger system replaces the stack in combustion systems, recovering almost all of the waste heat, and removing most of the emissions.

Ergenics Hy-Stor Battery Energy Storage

Ergenics announced today that it has initiated the second phase of its electric utility battery energy storage program. The program is directed at producing a long life (10 years), 25 kilowatt, 100 kWh battery module capable of daily deep discharge cycles for a variety of electric utility applications.

Resonant Shock

Public Service Company of Colorado and others are interested in testing the RSC technology beyond tests conducted in 1997 using coal combustion by- product (CCB) mixes to make parts for potential construction applications. This testing will test the RSC technology and its ability to fabricate large block parts.

Energy Storage Assoc. Meeting

This one time, the ESA is offering to send a free copy of the full proceedings to prospective members, together with their membership solicitation package. Membership in ESA is a good way to stay in touch with developments in utility storage, and a year’s company membership is only $1500.