Entries by beardsworth

IEEE DistGen Stds update

An IEEE-sponsored working group has developed an interconnection standard that will simplify the process of interconnecting photovoltaic systems with an electric utility. Photovoltaics (PV) is a solar-electric technology that uses solid-state solar cells to convert solar energy to electric energy.

DOE Power Outage Study

Bill Richardson initiated this effort last summer, on the heels of the various outages around the country. The team was assembled during September and went through its paces, coordinated by Paul Carrier in DOE headquarters.

New EIA report on Industry Mergers

Since the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which opened the U.S. electric power industry to the start of competition,1 investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) have been under pressure to cut costs, to become more efficient, and to expand their products and services.

CEC Energy Innovations ’99 Conference

“The Nation’s Most Comprehensive Ratepayer-funded Public Interest Energy Research Program” is gradually maturing, as the transition projects are wrapping up (close-out funding of projects that IOU’s had in place prior to restructuring), and the various programs establish their goals and directions.