DOE Carbon Reduction Study

The note quoted below just arrived today via the AESP an online link to the just released DOE report.

Energy Folks-

After a pretty extensive search, I have managed to track down the DOE study released last week that you have probably heard about, “Scenarios of U. S. Carbon Reductions Potential Impacts of Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Technologies by 2010 and Beyond”

Find a link to it on Sustainable Minnesota’s Climate Change Resources Page at:


Here is some from the Executive summary:

The study documents in detail how four key sectors of the economy – buildings, transportation, industry, and electric utilities – could respond to directed programs and policies to expand adoption of energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies, an increase in the relative price of carbon-based fuels by $25 or $50/tonne (e.g., as a result of a cap on domestic carbon emissions and a market for carbon “permits”), and an aggressive program of targeted research and development. Current projections suggest that a carbon emissions reduction of 390 million metric tons per year (MtC year) is required to stabilize U.S. emissions in 2010 at 1990 levels.

John Bailey, Research Associate
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
1313 Fifth Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Tel: 612-379-3815 Fax: 612-379-3920

Linear Concentrator PV system Demonstration

Subject: UFTO Note – Linear Concentrator PV system Demonstration
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 11:15:58 -0800
From: Ed Beardsworth

| ** UFTO ** Edward Beardsworth ** Consultant
| 951 Lincoln Ave. tel 415-328-5670
| Palo Alto CA 94301-3041 fax 415-328-5675

Linear Concentrator PV system Demonstration

Photovoltaics International (PVI) is introducing its first commercial product. It is a 1400 W DC, 12 module concentrating PV panel. They are seeking participants in a demonstration program with an invitation to purchase one of these panels at a reduced price of $4,000.

Their technical approach goes neatly in between flat panel and high concentration, and offers a real prospect for low priced production of reliable systems in the immediate future. The heart of the system is a patented extruded acrylic cylindrical lens that concentrates the sunlight by a factor of about 10 – 15 onto ordinary one-sun Si photocells (with minor modification). The system has none of the special and stringent requirements of high-concentration approaches. For example, it operates with simple self-contained one-axis tracking that is reliable and needn’t be nearly as accurate (within 5-10° instead of >> 1°).

A panel consists of 12 modules linked together to track the sun in unison, and mounted on a lightweight frame that can be readily installed on roofs (without any difficult structural modifications to the building).

Considerable experience has been gained over the last two years of pilot installations at SMUD, Arizona Public Service, and Clean Air Now (S. Calif.) that has been incorporated into the new product design. It is expected that within one to two years, PVI will be able to offer systems at costs significantly lower than flat panel systems now available.

Jim Sahagian, President
PVI, Sunnyvale CA
408-746-3062, fax 408-746-3890, email:

New DOE study on Green House Gases

New DOE study on Green House Gases

DOE is expected to release a new study on greenhouse gases next week. It outlines a scenario for major reductions in CO2 emissions over the mid to long term that may have overall net costs that are at or below zero. The study recognizes that the transition won’t be easy and will require a vigorous national commitment, but indicates that it is feasible and holds many important opportunities for the nation.

Five major national laboratories have been working for over a year to identify and evaluate demand and supply side technologies that are available now or will be in the next decade, and to analyze prospects for their implementation. These technologies taken together with a carbon trading system (at significantly lower prices than earlier analyses have suggested) make a workable combination involving end use and supply-side efficiency improvements, some conversion of coal fired power plants to natural gas, and renewable sources.

(This advance notice is off the record. Please don’t contact DOE until the report is released.)

CURC Technology Exchange Conference

(note–I am tentatively planning to attend. EB)

November 3-5, 1997
La Jolla Hyatt Regency
San Diego, California

For the first time ever, the California Utility Research Council (CURC) is hosting a comprehensive conference to present energy technology trends in California and exciting RD&D collaboration opportunities.

(For those unfamiliar with CURC, it is comprised of the CPUC, CEC, and California utilities. Established several years ago to coordinate utility R&D in the state, CURC was asked by CEC Commissioner David Rohy to host an event designed to present technology activities, trends, and collaboration opportunities related to California’s interests.)

Restructuring of the electric and gas industries in California has had a dramatic effect on the energy RD&D landscape in California. Previously, most of this work was funded by ratepayers and managed by the four largest investor-owned California utilities: PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, and SoCalGas. Supplemental funding for California RD&D interests was provided by GRI, EPRI, and DOE.

Restructuring is changing how RD&D will be done in California, creating many new opportunities for collaboration. Most notable is the effect of California legislation (AB1890) recently passed in California which has made available $62.5 million per year for public interest energy RD&D activities. In addition, some utilities will continue to fund RD&D activities using ratepayer benefits. Overall, ratepayer-funded RD&D is on the decline as utilities continue to prepare themselves for competition under performance-based ratemaking. Finally, shareholder-funded technology development opportunities are abound for energy companies seeking a competitive advantage.

Purpose: The 1997 CURC Technology Exchange Conference will provide participants with an overview of technology trends and energy RD&D collaboration activities which benefit California. The conference will present collaboration opportunities and update participants on the implementation of the California PIER (Public Interest Energy Research) program. Participants will also have an opportunity to network directly with peers and funding agencies who are active with energy technologies.

Speakers will include CPUC and CEC commissioners, representatives of the major California utilities, Federal agency officials, equipment vendors, and R&D and technology investment specialists.

There will also be a poster/table session for presentations of relevant technologies and services.

Who Should Attend:
Engineers, scientists, investors, inventors, RD&D policymakers, government representatives, product and business development specialists.

Though the emphasis is clearly on the California situation, all interested parties from around the country (and world) are encouraged to attend, both for collaborative opportunities, and to understand how public interest issues are being addressed, as a model for what might happen elsewhere.

To be put on the mailing list for the agenda and registration forms, contact:

David Berokoff, So. Calif. Gas Co.
fax (213)244-8242

Next Meeting of Elec Reliability Task Force

I just received the note attached below from Paul Carrier at DOE. He also tells me that the minutes from the July meeting in San Francisco and the two agendas for Plymouth should be available September 12.

We generally get meeting notices and minutes a day or two before they’re posted on the SEAB Task Force Website:

I am thinking seriously about attending the technology briefings on Sept 24, which will cover hardware and software for the grid, plus some distributed resources. Note that it is on the day after Tech 2007 in Boston, which I do plan to attend.


The next meeting of the Electric System Reliability Task Force will be on Thursday September 25, at the Sheraton Inn, (508)747-4900, in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The meeting will be preceded by a day of technology briefings for the Members beginning at 10:00 am on the 24th.

Please let me know, via e-mail, if you would like to sit in on the briefings.

I will send you an agenda for both days as soon as they are available.

Call me at (202)586-5659 if you have any questions.

Paul Carrier, Task Force Staff Director