Bulletin #21

UFTO Bulletin #21 April 29, 1996

To: UFTO Members: . . in this issue: . . . . . .

Tampa Meeting EdF Project Employee Patents DOE Workshop

This will be a quick note, to be followed up in more detail later in the month, since I’m leaving town tomorrow April 30 for a week (see item 3 below).


I hope you and your company representatives found both meetings to be useful and productive. I know I did. Copies of any trip reports or notes would be much appreciated.

One key bit of guidance I got was that email is working well for UFTO, so I should emphasize sending materials that way–which is why this Bulletin is coming to you this way.
2. WELCOME A NEW MEMBER: Sierra Pacific Power Co., in Reno NV joined UFTO. Bob Balzar is our point of contact, and he can be reached at 702-689-4028. (See the new UFTO member list handed out in Tampa.)
3. One of the major departments in the R&D part of Electricite de France has agreed to a proposal I submitted to them to investigate their R&D portfolio, to get a sense of what they have to offer and how it could be communicated. The sheer size of EdF’s programs plus the fact that their work is primarily focused on electric utility needs means that we can be sure to find a treasure trove of technology.

While this project is separate and apart from UFTO, I anticipate benefits to you as UFTO members, since I’ve positioned you as the “test audience” for EdF technology information. I’ll keep you posted. I’ll be traveling to EdF in Paris, leaving Tuesday April 30 and back here in the office on May 9. (Don’t be too envious–it’ll be a lot of hard work and long hours, honest!)
4. Texas Utilities wants a survey done on Employee Invention/Patents policies and procedures, across utilities and more importantly other technology companies. Are you sufficiently interested in participating to want to kick in some resources (e.g., UFTO consulting time or dollars)? This could work like the “benchmarking” study I did earlier this year, or it could be a full-fledged UFTO deliverable. Let me know!

5. DOE Office of Industrial Technology is sponsoring a 1/2 day conference this Thursday May 2 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm entitled “Electric Utility Restructuring: Impact on Industries of the Future” in which experts will describe the coming changes and what they mean to the seven industries in OIT’s Industries of the Future Program. Speakers include John Anderson, Elcon, Richard O’Neill, FERC, and several representative of gas turbine manufacturers (on opportunities in DU). It’s open to anyone, so if someone can get to it, enjoy! Let us know what you learn.

If I get the agenda via email, I’ll foward it to you. In the meantime, For more information, call Stan Blazewicz , 202-586-4679
6. The Utility Battery Group is holding its next meeting in Vernon Calif, on May 15-17. You should be on their mailing list. The agenda brochure should arrive in the mail any day now.

Contact Paula Taylor, Energetics, 410-290-0370 or 301-564-8017.

The new membership policy has been established–companies can join for only $1000. Let me know asap if you want me to attend for you.


Au Revoir, Mes Amis!


Sincerely yours,

Edward Beardsworth, Consultant

951 Lincoln Ave___________Tel 415-328-5670___Fax 415-328-5675

Palo Alto CA 94301________EMAIL: edbeards@epri.epri.com

UCLA Fuel Cell Course

On July 15-18, 1996, UCLA Extension will present the short course, “Batteries and Fuel Cells: Applications and Performance”, on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles.

The instructors are Gerald Halpert, PhD, Supervisor, Energy Storage Systems Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; James R. Huff, PhD, Chief Scientist, Ballard Power Corp; Samuel Levy, PhD, Battery Consultant; and David Pickett, Jr., PhD, President, AAAA Energy Enterprises.

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of primary and rechargeable battery systems and fuel cells. Basic electrochemical concepts and terminology are presented which describe the chemical/electrical energy conversion processes. The course also discusses methods for calculating and predicting key parameters.

Primary batteries are described, with applications and expected performance of zinc aqueous systems and lithium nonaqueous systems. Rechargeable (secondary) battery topics include nickel, silver oxide, lead-acid, and sodium systems, their applications, charge methodology, and performance. The newest concepts in nickel-metal hybrid, lithium rechargeable cells, state-of-the-art fuel cells, and other concepts are covered as well.

Specific and sample applications, from consumer to military and space, are presented for each of the systems. Finally, the course reviews recent developments in handling, disposal, and environmental regulation, and relevant manufacturing issues associated with the specific technology.

A problem-solving session is included in the course.

Course fee is $1395, which includes extensive course materials. These materials are for participants only, and are not for sale.

For additional information and a complete course description, please contact Marcus Hennessy at: (310) 825-1047 (310) 206-2815 fax mhenness@unex.ucla.edu

CONFIDENTIAL Alert: CETI/Patterson Cell


CETI/Patterson Cell publicity surge expected soon

April 17, 1996


As you know, the Patterson “new hydrogen energy” Cell was featured on ABC TV news and the Wall Street Journal back in early February, and their basic U.S. patent (No. 5,494,559) was awarded Feburary 27.

(UFTO provided copies of videotapes and a general information package on cold fusion to those who wanted them — see UFTO Bulletin #18, February 2, 1996, and the UFTO Comment “Advances in Cold Fusion.”)

Another blitz of publicity is expected to occur at the end of April, so you may want to be prepared to respond to inquiries. We don’t have any insights about what new developments if any that the anticipated news stories will talk about.

Meanwhile, rumor has it that CETI’s unorthodox business style is making it very difficult for other organizations to come to any kind of terms with them. Also, there are now reports that the calorimetry may not have been done with sufficient care and attention to details, even in the independent university tests, so claims of “over unity” energy production are yet to be solidly confirmed.


In another week or two, Eneco expects to have a more specific proposal for their “Survey of the State of the Art” review of cold fusion, along the lines of their outline I sent you with the March Bulletin. I will give Eneco your names and addresses so they can contact you about it, but otherwise this will be a matter between you and them.

Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Study

DOE Seeks US Power Company for Adv. PFBC repowering design study

Commerce Business Daily 4/13/96

The DOE is seeking a volunteer U.S. power industry electrical generation company interested in participating in a site specific study to develop a conceptual design for Advanced Cycle 2nd Generation Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) technology as a coal fueled repowering concept at the actual power industry company’s electrical generation site.

The site should be well-suited to such a repowering. Site selection preferred characteristics should align to the following: (1) Coal – Fueled Plant, (2) Currently Operating, (3) Subcritical Steam Plant, (4) 100 TO 300 MWe Single Unit Capacity or multiple units with combined capacity in this range, and (5) Medium to High Sulfur content in Fuel. The DOE and power industry participant will visit the site and develop lists of the necessary information about the plant, operations, fuels, and regional economics to allow preparation of the evaluation.

The DOE will work with the participant company to develop generation production costing evaluations to establish the capacity factor for each option for the unit dispatched using the host participant’s particular operating environment. This will be used to develop meaningful yearly projections of expected use, allow evaluation of the number of start-stop cycles avoided because of the improved dispatch with the repowering technologies, and to develop industry-method-based economic comparisons of the options. The DOE will develop a conceptual design and economic evaluation using procedures familiar to electrical generation company planners. The DOE will evaluate the technical requirements for equipment/plant compatibility as well as the economics and schedule requirements for a repowering project. Advantages and practical aspects of repowering will be determined. Issues such as remaining equipment life’ demolition requirements, spare parts requirements, permitting, and dispatch requirements will be addressed.

All power company participant information will be conducted under policies that would provide strict nondisclosure of information these companies identify as being ”company proprietary information.” The power plant site will not actually be modified, but sufficient detail will be developed to show the feasibility of upgrading the participant’s site to Advanced Cycle 2nd Generation PFBC technology.

A final report summarizing all study activities will be prepared and submission of a technical paper for publication on this work, and attendance at a conference is suggested by the DOE.

If your company is interested in a volunteer partnership with the DOE to develop a conceptual design for High Efficiency Advanced Cycle 2nd Generation PFBC technology as a repowering concept, please respond in writing providing background information about your company along with information regarding the proposed repowering site (e.g., coal fuel type, limestone/dolomite availability, repowering unit size (MWe)).

To be considered for this volunteer partnership your response must be received no latter then 4:00 P.M. EDT on May 3, 1996. All questions concerning this matter should be addressed to Mr. Robert Travers at (301) 903-6166, DOE Office of Fossil Energy.

Brookhaven National Laboratories

From: UA4G924 –EPRI Date and time 04/11/96 15:25:11
SUBJECT: Brookhaven Offers Nucl. Matls Metallurgy

UFTO has just received an invitation to a kickoff workshop at Brookhaven National Lab (Long Island NY) for MAGNUM — the Brookhaven Metallurgical Analysis Group for Nuclear Utilities Materials…to establish a new working relationship with the nuclear utility industry.

The workshop will be held at Brookhaven on April 25, 8:30 am-3:00pm. Plan to fly in to Long Island MacArthur Airport at Islip the night before….or LaGuardia or JFK.

They have a detailed proposal to form a “Utility Contract Group”, focused on failure analysis/Root cause analysis, life extension and aging, and independent surveillance/Monitoring.

If you would like a copy of the proposal and workshop agenda, contacts are:

C.L. Snead, 516-344-3502; snead@bnl.gov

Carl Czajkowski, 516-344-4420, czajkow@bnl.gov

Sincerely yours,

Edward Beardsworth, Consultant

951 Lincoln Ave___________Tel 415-328-5670___Fax 415-328-5675

Palo Alto CA 94301________EMAIL: edbeards@epri.epri.com

IPCC Report, Carbon Mitigation

Substantial cuts in global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the leading greenhouse gas implicated in climate change, can be achieved over the next 30 years through a variety of technology and policy options at little or no increase in cost over business as usual, according to Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
In its new “Summary for Policymakers,” released in November, the panel examines several alternatives for world energy supply through the year 2100. All options reviewed envision very large growth in energy from “intermittent renewables” (wind and solar) over the next century.
Global energy use is a major contributor to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the report, 385 EJ exajoules; one exajoule is equal to 45 million tons of coal or 170 million barrels of oil of energy were consumed worldwide in 1990, resulting in the release of six billion tons of carbon 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Added the report, “Future energy demand is anticipated to continue to grow, at least through the first half of the next century. The IPCC . . . projects that without policy intervention, there could be significant growth in emissions from the industrial, transportation, and commercial/residential buildings sectors.”
In 1992, the IPCC developed six energy scenarios based on different supply assumptions. All but one (a case with very low population and economic growth) showed substantial increases in CO2 emissions, from 22 billion tons in 1990 to a range of 36 billion tons to 128 billion tons per year in 2100.
Working Group II, however, found that emissions could be restrained well below all of the 1992 IPCC projections, even with high future energy demand. It developed five new scenarios of a Low CO2-Emitting Energy Supply System (LESS), which it said are “‘thought experiments’ exploring possible global energy systems.”
In the LESS scenarios, world population grows from 5.3 billion in 1990 to 10.5 billion by 2100. Economic growth, in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), jumps to 25 times 1990 levels by 2100, with 13-fold increases in industrialized countries and 70-fold increases in developing countries. Heavy use is made of energy efficiency measures in all scenarios. According to the working group, “Analysis of these variants leads to the following conclusions:
o “Deep reductions of CO2 emissions from energy supply systems are technically possible within 50 to 100 years, using alternative strategies.
o “Many combinations of the options identified in this assessment could reduce global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels from about 22 billion tons to about 15 billion tons by 2050, and to about seven billion tons by 2100.
o “Higher energy efficiency is underscored for achieving deep reductions in CO2 emissions, for increasing the flexibility of supply side combinations, and for reducing overall energy system costs. . .”
Added the report, ” . . . Within the wide range of future energy prices, one or more of the scenarios would plausibly be capable of providing the demanded energy services at estimated costs that are approximately the same as estimated future costs for current conventional energy.”
The report spoke in positive terms of renewable energy sources, noting in part, “Solar, biomass, wind, hydro, and geothermal technologies already are widely used. In 1990, renewable sources of energy contributed about 20% of the world’s primary energy consumption, most of it fuelwood and hydropower.
“Technological advances offer new opportunities and declining costs for energy from these sources. In the longer term, renewable sources of energy could meet a major part of the world’s demand for energy. Power systems can easily accommodate limited fractions of intermittent generation, and with the addition of fast-responding backup and storage units, also higher fractions.”
Each of the LESS scenarios sees substantial growth in intermittent renewables. By the year 2025, in the nuclear- intensive LESS forecast–the worst of the five for intermittent renewables–wind and solar would deliver 34.8 EJ (about 3.2 trillion kWh annually, or more electric power than the U.S. uses today), worldwide, and by the year 2100, 103.9 EJ (9.5 trillion kWh). In the biomass-intensive, gas-intensive, and coal- intensive scenarios, intermittent renewables are projected to deliver 37.1 EJ (3.4 trillion kWh) annually by 2025 and 163.2 EJ (15 trillion kWh) by 2100. And in the high-demand LESS scenario, intermittents deliver 37.1 EJ in 2025 and 318.3 EJ (29 trillion kWh) in 2100.
Continues the report, “The literature provides strong support for the feasibility of achieving the performance and cost characteristics assumed for energy technologies in the LESS constructions, within the next two decades, though it is impossible to be certain until the research and development is complete and the technologies have been tested in the market.
“Moreover, these performance and cost characteristics cannot be achieved without a strong and sustained investment in research, development, and demonstration (RD&D). Many of the technologies being developed would need initial support to enter the market, and to reach sufficient volume to lower costs to become competitive.”
“Second Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation Options” is available from IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit, 300 D Street, SW, Suite 840, Washington, DC 20024, USA, phone (202) 651-8260, fax (202) 554-6858, e-mail <ipcc@usgcrp.gov>.
(The preceding is from the electronic edition of WIND ENERGY WEEKLY, Vol. 14, #678, 25 December 1995, published by the American Wind Energy Association.)

Bulletin #20 – Tampa Meeting UFTO Topics

UFTO Bulletin #20

April 2, 1996

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Tampa Meeting UFTO Topics




– If you haven’t already, please fill out and return the attached form. Especially needed–your inputs for the UFTO MEMBERS MEETINGAGENDA.

2. WELCOME A NEW MEMBER: The Kansas Electric Utility Research Program (KEURP) joined UFTO this week. KEURP is made up of the electric utility companies in the state of Kansas.

3. “Mideast Oil Forever” is the title of an excellent article in the April 96 issue of Atlantic Monthly, but Joseph Romm and Charles Curtis of DOE. It takes on the current Congress’ s actions to cut renewable/sustainable energy research, pointing out that another major oil crisis is highly likely. Be sure your planning group knows about it. And maybe send it to your congressman? (I can provide copies if you have trouble getting the magazine.)

4. Also for planners (and yourselves), the Energy Analysis Program at L. Berkeley Labs has its new ’95 Annual Report available. Most of you should have received a letter from them, updating their mailing list and offering to send it. Call Karen Olson 510-486-5974.

5. Two new “UFTO TOPICS” reports are enclosed–one on “International” and another on “Buildings”. It only takes me a few minutes to do one of these, so don’t hesitate to ask.

Any more takers who want to try out the database? If you don’t want to get Filemaker Pro 3.0 (PC or Mac — it only costs about $150), I can create an “export” file of the data in any of several formats. Caution–spreadsheet formats usually limit the amount of text in a cell, so a lot of information would be lost. I have more details on this if you want it.


Tab-Separated text

Most applications

Comma-Separated Text **
BASIC programs, and Claris Impact
Spreadsheet programs, including Excel
Spreadsheet programs like VisiCalc
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft BASIC programs

(** likely to have a problem with commas in the data)


P.S. Anybody going to the Green Pricing Conf.? The SMES User’s Conf.?


CADDET (Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies) is an International Energy Agency (IEA) program focusing on promising new technologies that have been demonstrated in real-life conditions and where monitored technical and financial results are available. THE U.S. is one of 15 countries participating. Now there are two distinct parts of CADDET, Energy Efficiency and Renewables.

The Energy Efficiency part of the U.S. program is operated by Oak Ridge.
Contact: Marilyn Brown 423-576-8152 brownma@ornl.gov
or Julia Kelley 423-574-6966 j4u@ornl.gov
US web site: www.ornl.gov/CADDET/caddet.html
Main site: www.caddet-ee.org

The Renewables part is operated in the U.S. by NREL.
Contact: David Warner 303-275-4373 david_warner@nrel.gov.
US web site: www.nrel.gov/caddet
Main site: www.caddett.co.uk/re/

They can provide brochures and free newsletter subscriptions.

There are two computerized databases called the CADDET Register, providing information on over 2,000 demonstrated energy technology projects. Newsletters are published quarterly, covering a specific technology and featuring international articles, news items and meetings notices. (Upcoming issues will cover advanced lighting and industrial controls. Recent topics included motors, heat pumps, and district heating/cooling.) There are more than 200 brochures on selected technologies, many of which describe U.S. technologies. A number of Analysis Reports provide in-depth assessments.

Alarm Filtering — “Frontline Solutions” is small startup company recently spun off from INEL to commercialize alarm processing methods developed at INEL called The Alarm Management Environment (TAME). It uses artificial intelligence techniques to filter (prioritize and reduce) alarms in process facilities such as power plants, electrical distribution and chemical processing facilities. The company offers the knowledge engineering necessary to extract plant specific expertise from operators and encode it into the software. The group published a paper describing the system at the American Power Conference (April 1995), and a DOS demo disk is available on request. Contact Michael Bray, Frontline Solutions, 208-529-2266, bray@srv.net

New Factory America is a concept under development at the Kansas City Plant (a DOE manufacturing facility managed by Allied Signal) to create an integrated “toolbox” of software technologies that will give small to midsized manufacturers the same capabilities as the very large ones. The low cost software already exists in a pre-alpha test version, and can be demoed on a laptop. The software can receive complicated 3-D solid model data sets from the internet to respond to rquests for quotes. After the contract is awarded, the supplier can use the same software to communicate product definition directly to automated machinery (e.g. machine tool controller, plastic injection molding machine, or automated pick and place machines).

A plan for a “Virtual Enterprise Integration” includes the “Desktop Manufacturing System” with an “Information Based Manufacturing Instrastructure”. (This could be a good initiative for a local economic development program.) Contact Scott Wright, 816-997-2549.

Energy Efficient Lighting (DOE/GO-10095-056) is a brief 8 page technology overview published by the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Clearinghouse. Call 800-363-3732 for a free copy (ask for “FS-141”) and a list of their other publications.


• METC’s Web page is a very thorough source of information on fuel cells (not PEM) and other Fossil power programs.(http://www.metc.doe.gov)

Mark Williams, Product Manager, Fuel Cells, DOE/METC, tel 304-285-4747; (mwilli@metc.doe.gov) manages the DOE /Fossil fuel cell effort.

One useful item–a listing of upcoming conferences. For example:
– SOFC Course (ceramic ion membranes) London UK, July 1-3, ’96
– Fuel Cells in Transportation, Chicago, September 17-19, ’96. (call Intertech, 207-781-9800)
– 2nd European SOFC Forum, Oslo Norway, May 6-10, ’96
– GRI/EPRI Workshop, Tempe AZ, April 2-3, ’96. (Contractor’s conf. — invitation only)

• Also from METC — the Fuel Cells Forum is a free unmoderated email list for exchange of ideas and information about fuel cell technology. To subscribe:
– send an internet email message to: listproc@lists.metc.doe.gov
– leave the SUBJECT line blank
– In the body of the message enter: subscribe fuelcells fname lastname

Results in a few email notes per week.

• Fuel Cell Advanced Turbine System (FCATS) is a new idea for generation in the >100 MW range, combining a fuel cell with an advanced turbine. The fuel cell is used as a topping cycle, in effect acting as a combustor whose 2000 °C exit temperature feeds into the turbine. METC held a workshop on this recently, and the proceedings will be available shortly. For more information, contact Mark Williams, Product Manager, Fuel Cells, DOE/METC, tel 304-285-4747; mwilli@metc.doe.gov.

• DOE Advanced Fuel-Cell Commercialization Working Group

Final Report DOE/ER-0643, and 0644, March ’95 (2 volumes-one is an executive summary).

The Office of Planning & Analysis/Energy Research, (ER — the part of DOE that does basic research), undertook a comprehensive review of the entire state of the art of fuel cell technology to identify gaps in the R&D programs. They assembled an expert panel from industry and the labs, and Dr. Sol Penner of UC San Diego prepared the final report.

For a copy, contact Don Freeman, DOE, Energy Research, 301-903-3156,don.freeman@er.doe.gov.

• Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Letter, published monthly by Peter Hoffman, of Rhinecliff NY, is in its 11th year. Subscription price is $195/year. Their web page shows the table of contents and one article from each issue (http://solstice.crest.org/renewables/thl/index.html). 914-876-5988; hfcletter@mhv.net

• The New Technology Demonstration Program in DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) issued one of its Federal Technology Alerts on “Natural Gas Fuel Cells”, encouraging federal building managers to consider fuel cells as “an environmentally benign energy conservation technology ….sustainable …can help the bottom line” especially where the thermal energy can be utilized, where there are strict air-quality rules, and where reliability is important.

The Alerts are short, comprehensive, written for a non technical audience, explaining about new technologies that are ready for implementation and where they can be applied. Other titles in the series include: Liquid Refrigerant Pumping, Ground Source Heat Pumps for Commercial Applications; Residential Heat Pump Water Heating; Ozone Treatment of Cooling Water; Refrigerant Subcooling, and Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additives. More are in preparation. To receive copies, and to be put on the mailing list,

contact Karen Walker, PNNL (Wash. DC), 202-646-7794.


FUEL CELLS — Money Available

• METC — CLIMATE CHANGE FUEL CELL PROGRAM is soliciting applications for financial assistance grants from DOD for installing fuel cells. Offerers must be commited to purchase, install, operate and maintain fuel cell plant(s) with a combined capacity rated between 100 and 3,000 kW.

For awards through September 30, 1996, approximately $15,000,000 is available. Grant values will be $1,000/kW, provided that the grant shall not exceed a third of the total project costs (unit cost, delivery, installation, and one year of precommercial operation).

The Application/Information Package includes application forms to be submitted, the 1994 Conference Report language, and other information needed for preparation of applications. The Application/Information Package will be available on the Internethttp://www.metc.doe.gov/business/solicita.html after March 27, 1996. If Internet access is not available, a 3.5” diskette in WordPerfect, version 5.2. may be requested from the contract specialist Diane Manilla by fax (304-285-4683) or telephone at (304-285-4086). The Package may also be obtained from DOE atjohn.bashista@hq.doe.gov.

Applications may be submitted at any time in the next year. Selections for the first round will be made by July 30, 1996, and awards made by September 30, 1996. The second round of selections and awards will be made after September 30, 1996, contingent upon availability of appropriated funds.

3/22/96 (approx) (Federal Register)


Contact: Gary Byram, Contract Specialist, 703-704-2960
Ana Kimberly, Contracting Officer, 703-704-2964.

R&D of technology to demonstrate small Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Power Sources. The Army currently has no standard refuelable power sources in this range and utilizes batteries. Power sources that are refuelable, with higher energy densities than rechargeable batteries will enhance military capabilities. The power sources sought are complete systems: including the fuel cell, fuel supply, controls, safety features, packaging, voltage regulator, automatic start/stop, refueling procdures, commercial operating manuals and other features so that the power sources may be used in technical demonstrations. Two categories of power source are desired. A low power demonstrator is desired that will produce 6 Volts, 50 watts, and 200 watt-hours. Target weight is 1 kg. A higher power demonstrator that will produce 28 Volts, 150 watts and 600 watt-hours is also sought. Target weight is 2.5 kg. The operational range of these demonstrators will be from 32-120 degrees farenheight and from 5-100 per cent realtive humidity. The systems produced under this solicitation will be utilized to demonstrate small PEM Fuel Systems in 4Q98. Contracts are expected to be 18 months in duration and produce a total of four units at each/either size. Proposals may address one or both sizes. It is anticipated that no more than two awards will be made under this solicitation. More awards may be made depending on the responses. Proposals must be submitted to US CECOM Aquisition Center, Ground Support Branch, AMSEL- AC-CC, 10109 Gridley Road, Suite 200, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5845 and must be received no later than 10 May 1996. Questions concerning this solicitation may be faxed to Richard Jacobs at 703-704-3794. Telephone calls will not be honored.


SERDP — Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program; Dept. of Defense

SERDP was established in 1990 to address defense-related environmental needs and to effect transfer of defense-related technologies to/from the private sector. It is a DOD research program planned and executed in full partnership with DOE and EPA, to work on the department’s highest priority mission-impacting environmental requirements. In 1993, these evolved to six key environmental “thrust areas:” Cleanup, Compliance, Conservation, Pollution Prevention, Renewables, and Global Environmental Change. With the recent budget cuts, however, from $160M/year to $60M/year, the last two are being wrapped up in 1996.

The program is managed by an Executive Director, who works in the Office of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering, DOD. There is a high level multi-agency Executive Working Group (DOD, DOE, EPA, others). Planning groups in each thrust area start with DOD’s high priority technology needs, and elicit proposals from any and all Federal agencies. Proposals must come from a Federal agency (or lab), but can and usually do involve partners from industry, small business or academia.

SERDP actively disseminates Program information through a newsletter (SERDP Information Bulletin), symposia and its own Internet site (http://prop.wes.army.mil/serdp/home.html), reporting on work done in federal Labs and in private companies. Actual tech transfer and intellectual property (e.g. licensing, cradas, etc.) are handled by the agency or lab where the project initiated. SERDP’s role is research, i.e., to reaching proof of scientific principle, and focusing on high priority, generic environmental problems experienced by more than one branch of the military.

SERDP results thus provide a selective compilation of the work of many agencies of government. They have begun to feature “Success Stories”, and have a list of all publications that have resulted since the inception of the program. There is also a Proceedings of their first annual Symposium, held in April ’95, and featuring a large number of presentations about specific environmental technologies.

Some examples: Non chemical paint stripping with high pressure water;

Encapsulation of hazardous metals in hydrophobic clay;

Advanced acoustic heat pump;

Next generation fire surpression;

Nontoxic anti fouling coatings.


Call for more information:

John Harrison, Executive Director
SERDP Program Office
901 N. Stuart St #303
Arlington, VA 22203
703-696-2114 fax

